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- Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research.
- Describe the importance and application of health care information, data mining, and importance to application in patient care outcomes
- Discuss how data mining and interpretation influences case management and utilization
- Describe participation in managed care and the importance of quality care initiatives and performance indicators (remember to use AHRQ as a resource)
- 1000-1500 words not including the cover page and references (total, not for each topic)
- Follow the APA 7th edition for references and citations
- Include a minimum of 6 scholarly references (does not include text or websites)
- Demonstrate analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information
8 months ago
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Assessment papers
- Describeandevaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research.
- Describetheimportanceand application of health care information, data mining, …
8 months ago
Assessment Papers
- Describeandevaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research.
- Describetheimportanceand application of health care information, data mining, …
8 months ago