The writer is very fast, professional and responded to the review request fast also. Thank you.
****** ***** ****** ******* ********* ******** *** *** ******* ********************* increased diversification ** *** *** Zealand ********** butter ****** ******* **** ********** competition ******* that ********* must adopt ******* **** ********* strategies to ******* Amidst *** ********* ** ***** *********** **** a ****** **** ** *** ****** **** ** *** *** *** ***** ** ****** *********** (SMEs) **** ****** **** find ***** place ** * ****** whose ******* ** ************ ********* *** mature It is * market that regardless ** *** ******* economic turmoil related to the ****** ****** ******** financial ******** ******* a ** ******* ****** ** ****** revenues Medium enterprises **** as ****** ***** **** **** * ***** ** the ****** ***** ** *** **** ********** but **** *********** Most *********** ***** ***** and ********** **** ** ****** toward ********* * *********** **** in *** ****** ******** **** ** *********** and ************ * ********* ******** is *** ***** founded It has *** ***** ** ******** ******** *** *** mainly popularized ** ******** **** ** Karl *** more prominently * ******* scholar ***** ** Sun *** ** *** **** ** *** two ******** ********** ********* *** ******* ** win **** ****** within *** ******* capabilities regardless of *** ********* or **** *********** of rivals ******* ** ** ***** ** ***** words *** ******** ******** the deployment ** available ********* ********* *** ************ ** **** * manner **** is adequately ******** ** **** ** ****** ** ***** ** ****** *** ********** (Walker et al 2015) ** marketing ******** ** ** *** efficient and ********* ********** ** ******** and ******** attributes ** a ****** **** ensures the ************** of *** brand *** competitive advantage ** the face ** ***** competition and ***** to grow *** ****** * ****** look a Mother Earth *** ********* in the market ****** that ** **** ************ **** toward ****** ************** ******* * **** ********** ********* ******** **** ********* alternative **** eventually ****** the ******** ** have * *************** ** ***** ********** ** a market **** has fewer ******* ****** butter ********* This ***** ******** the marketing ******** ** ****** ***** ****** Butter intending to *********** *** * **** ********** strategy ** *** ****** **** toward *********** advantage ***** growth and sustainable market ****************** ** Mother *********** ***** is * ********* ******* ***** main ******* ******** ** organic ****** ****** *** *********** *** ******* point is the offering ** a ******* **** ** *** only healthy *** also ********* **** ***** ********* and ********* **** The product differentiation *** ** time ********** ****** the ****** ****** in *** ****** through sustained brand ******* and growth The company *** * mission ** ******** that *** customers have ****** to health and ******* ****** butter with *** ****** of ****** the bars honey *** peanut butter ******** household **** ****** *** ******* ** is not ** ************* goal **** *** considers *** humble ********* ******* ** *** individuals ** **** *** ******* *** cut a **** *** itself ** *************** *** products as not **** ******* *** **** ******* Its latest merger **** Profile ***** *** ** the ***** hand * carefully ********** ****** strategy **** widened *** ************ *** *** ****** ***** ******* despite *** ********* market ******* it ** ******** **** ****** ***** **** still ********** **** *** ********* strategy ** ** ** ** ******* *** ********* ********** **** implies ***** ** * **** *** ****** ***** ** ********* map *** ************************* ********** is critical ** ********** *** *********** ********* ** *** ****** **** Mother ***** operates ************* *********** in *** ********* thoughts ** ****** ** ********* ****** ******** that ** * ****** where competitors *** **** ******** * firm ***** ***** it **** ********* to ******* ******* ** ** ***** Competitive ******* ** ***** *** of the five ****** ** *********** ********* ** ****** ******* Porter also believed **** ******* ******* *********** encompasses **** than ************* *** the ****** are ******* ***** For ****** Earth *** *********** ******* *** *** *** ***** *** continued ** its domination ** *** *** Zealand ****** ****** for ***** ***** *********** ******* *** ******** ***** ******* *** crunchy *** ************** ** ****** Earth as a small ** medium ********** ******* ** ** *** only ********** ******** *** *** *********** *** *** **** **** *** their ******* ******** their marketing ******** *** key selling ****** ****** ****** **** * firm **** ******** *********** ** ** very high **** * *** ******* *** ********** *** ****** ** ** *** **** of *** *** Zealand Peanut butter ****** **** ***** ******* ***** *** ******** *** **** ******* the ********** of * *** ******* *** **** ** ********* *** ***** brands ** achieve * ********** edge *********** *** ****** ****** ******** ** ******* *** hence ********* ****** switch ** competitors ***** ***** **** customers **** ********* power ** *** market *********** *** ******** ****** of *********** *** ********* ****** be ******* ** * skillful *** ** ****** ***** ** ** ****** ********* ***** loyalty *** ************** ** *** ******** ************* ***** ** also inevitably threatened by *** **** **** *** ***** **** the *** ******* ****** butter market is easy *** *********** ** *** same ****** **** the firm was able ** ***** **** scratch to *** ******* size new *** ******** firms *** **** ******* ** *********** *** ******** *** emerging ** potential competitors *** ******* **** faces * daunting task **** *** threats of ********* ********* ** substitute ***** **** ** *** *** ****** ** **** **** ******* a fundamental source ** ***** for ******* ***** ***** ********* ** *** peanut ****** market Regardless of *** ********* *** *********** ****** ** competitive ***** for ****** Earth ** *** ******* to ********* favorable prices with supplies It ** ****** because *** **** sources *** ****************** *** materials directly from local ***** ***** a ********** ******** ****** ********* that a ******* has a competitive advantage ** *** ********** power ** ********* ** low *** ****** ********** powers ********* ** suppliers **** are crucial ** *** *********** of ****** ****** ** ** ******* ******* *** ******* *** *** international chain **** Mother ***** ********* ** ******* ** *** ************* leadership ********* *********** **** to ****** a **** ********** ******** ** evident **** the ********* ** ****** ***** as ************ ** the *********** ******** ******* With *** sole ****** ** ******** ***** *** ****** ********** ****** with ********* *** *** **** **** it ** ** *** Mother ***** *** *** ************ ***** **** grounding *** marketing ******** ** **** ********** This ** ********* ********* ** **** ** ****** ***** ** to *** over customers as ***** ****** ******** **** competitive advantage ** ****** ******** the ******** of ************ ******** *** *********** **** ****** ********* ********* ******** ****** inevitably **** toward cost ********** ******* ** not newly ***** It ** ****** *** ********* in his generic ***** **** ** frequent ***** SMEs **** ****** * cost ********** strategy A **** ********** ******** ******* **** *** *** firm’s operations *** ************** ******* ** ** ***** **** **** ****** ****** **** **** **** ************ manage *** external *** internal attributes in **** * ****** **** is *** only effective but **** ********* to ****** ************* *** sustainabilityA closer **** ** *********** ***** *********** and *********** ******* *** ***** ********* *** ***** ********** *** *** Fog *** a ****** **** on ***** ********* in New ******* *** maintains * cordial ************ **** *** supermarkets *** *** target ********* ******* ********* ********* *** ****** ****** ***** by ****** of *** ********** *** *** **** **** ** match the advertising and *********** ******* ** **** ** these companies *** ** ***** struggling **** *********** ********* ******* **** ** ******* *** and *** *** ***** ********** *** a **** ****** strong ***** presence ** both traditional and ****** ***** * ****** integrated ********* ******** ** ****** *** ****** ***** but ***** *** ******* **** rethink *** ********* ********* for ********** * ******** ******* ** **** of Fix *** *** for ******* would ****** *** firm ** the ****** **** *** sustainability ***** ** constrained a ***** **** This ******* a ***** ****** of ******* and ********** **** ****** ***** ****** **** **** ** ******* * competitive **** ** *** ******** **************** ********* ********** present ***** firms *** ****** ***** their ********* ****** **** ***** ********** while still ******** ** ********** ********* communication ******** ******** ** *** strategy utilizes *********** *** modern communication ********** It ** **** ** less ****** *** **** ********* while ** *** same **** ***** ********** **** ** the neo-modern ******* **** a ****** ***** can *** ** reach ** *** ********* ********* include the *** ** social media *** internet ********* while ** *** **** **** making *** ** traditional ********* ******* such ** ****** ******* *** ******* marketing ******* ** IMC ******** is *** **** ******** ******** ******** in *** ******* ** * **** to convert as many ********* ********* ** ******** **** ******** the *** ** ******* such ** email ********* *** ****** ***** marketing However it ** **** ********* **** Mother ***** ****** * ********** message ** *** ******** channels to ensure *********** growth ** ***** imageMarketing ****** **** important ****** ** all marketing ********* ** **** they gear ****** ******** out ** prospective customers ** ******* ********** *** ***** ******* ** *** ******** ******* * ******* ** understand *** *** also known ** *** ***** structure of the marketing ******** *** 4ps ****** *** ***** ***** promotion and ******* ******* Olson & **** ***** ***** ****** Earth must ***** * ***** **** ********* are willing ** buy *** ******* ***** ** ***** ******* to **** ** *********** ** ** ********* *** *** firm ** *** millions ** ******* ** the ******** ***** *** final ******* will ** offered **** * price that customers cannot *** and ** **** ** ** **** not **** ***** ** them **** ** *** ******* ** * cost ********** strategy ** *** ** a ********* ******** ** concerned ******** * firm **** promote ** advertise *** product ** a ****** **** *** **** ******* reach *** ******* perfectly **** the *********** of ********* ***** an *** ******** ******* **** *** **** offers a product that ********* *** ******* ** *** ***** ** ** ***** **** ****** ********* ****** butter is in high ****** **** *** ********* bothering ******** ***** *** *** **** Finally the ******* **** adopt * distribution ******* that ** not **** affordable but also one **** ******* to *** ********* ****** Earth distribution ******** **** gear ****** *********** *** ************ ** major retail ****** ** ****** **** most of *** *********** **** been **** to ******* ** ************************** vs cost ************************* ** *** ******* ********* strategy **** Mother Earth ******* ** *** ********* Differentiation ****** both ** *** level ** *** ******* *** *** *** *** ******* ** ******* in *** ****** ***** (Walker ** ** ***** **** *************** ****** ***** ********** itself ** the ************ ** high *** ******* ********* ****** It also ******* * ***** ***** ** healthy and delicious ******* ***** at *** **** **** guaranteeing quality *** ******** ********* **** *** * ************** in the sense that * majority of ****** ****** manufacturers ** *** ******* ****** ***** ***** products that *** high ** ********** ********* Although the differentiator ** * *** ******* ***** ***** are obvious *********** with *** ************ ** differentiation ** *** overarching ********* ************* the main ******* ******** ** ****** ***** ** easy ** ********* ** ** is *** a patented ********** ******* ** **** * ******** ** ******** firms have followed ******* *** footsteps of ****** ***** *** have ***** ******** ** ****** ******* ******* *** especially *** that ** ******* ** a ******* ******* ***** **** ******** Mother ***** *** ******* customer loyalty **** **** from its ******** **** ********* ** *** ****** to ****** *********** ***** *** also ***** **** ** *** existing *********** perceive **** ************ ********** for ******* peanut ****** is increasingly ******* they *** also ******** introduce * ******* ******* with even * **** ******** ******** *** ********* ******* In *** **** *** *************** alongside *** ***** of ******** * ******* organic and ****** ****** may *** ** * *********** option in *** long ********* ******* ******** **** ** is *** ******** ** ensure the sustainability ** *** ***** ******* ***** ******** **** differentiation ******* ** ** ***** In ***** ***** ** *** **** ** Mother Earth cannot ****** ** **** away differentiation wholesomely ** a ********** marketing ******** **** the ********** ** *** ******* market that ****** Earth ******** *************** ** ********* *********** *********** **** cost ********** In other ***** *** **** **** **** * *** ** ******** that its ************** ** **** *** *********** source ** **** leadership *** ******** ************ ** **** ** ********* ** **** **** **** leadership ********* ***** leadership is **** ********* ***** is * **** ************** where it ** ******* ************ ***** than *** ***** **** *********** *** ***** ** ***** ***** **** * company manages its ********** *********** and *********** it achieves **** advantages **** may ****** **** * **** to ***** *** ******* ** ********* ** * **** low ***** In *** ******* ** ***** *************** **** as ******* *** **** ****** ***** can ************ **** ** * low ***** ** *** *********** ********************** ******** and **** ************* **** ********** ******** ******* ** ***** ** a ************** ** *** ******* ****** that Mother Earth ******** ******* **** **** with *** ******** ** ***** *** **** ** ***** perspective ** ******** ******** ** ** ******** **** ****** ******* main ******* ** the ****** ** the **** ** replicate their ******* which ***** ** initially ****** ** *** ****** ** *********** ********* *** **** ** *** ******** ******* of the ******* *** *********** ******** ***** that *** company needs to interrogate ** how **** **** *** protect ***** ******** **** **** *** onslaught ** *********** **** ******** *** potential ** is *** ***** for companies ** * ****** ****** to ***** * ********* ******** where ** ****** **** *** ***** of *********** ** ****************** ******** ****** ****** taking overAt *** heart ** * ******** ******** ********* ** **** and Miles ** *** **** to **** off * ******* of *** ****** ****** ***** ***** 2016) This ******* **** ****** Earth **** **** ** **** ********** ways ** ensuring **** they **** ****** ****** ** *** organic and natural ****** ****** market **** ** highly essential ******* ** noted *********** *** ******* rationale ** *** ********* Although ****** ***** ****** * considerable share ** customers ** *** ***** ** *** moment **** need **** to ****** **** potential *********** *** ****** ** *********** ** introduce *** ****** * ******* ******* **** *** **** argue **** *** ** *** ******* ** ******* *** *** ****** ** to **** ** the capacity ** ******* *** distribute *** ******* ******** ** *********** ** ******** ********** ensures that ***** *** ****** reduced ***** in turn ********** *** ability ** ***** * ***** ********* in *** ****** ***** **** ** *** * ***** ******* ******** ** strategy ** ** *** **** ******* ** ********* **** ** ******** *** ** ******** ******* to *** **** **** Wal-Mart ** *** ** *** ******* retail ****** ** the ***** ***** *** * ******* **** ******* ******* ****** ** years ******* ********** Snow *** ***** ********* for *** **** *** **** * company ** ensure **** it ******* *** ******** *** external ********** *********** *** *********** ** ***** words *** ************** ********* must ** managed ** a ****** **** ** ****** toward cost-cutting ** *** **** ******************************* *** ** ** ******** that the ********** ** *** *** Zealand peanut butter ****** ******* ****** Earth ** adopt * **** leadership strategy * **** ********** strategy ********** the ************** management in * *** **** ** geared ****** ********* ********** * cost ********** strategy ** ********* ******* that Mother ***** **** ****** ********* ******* **** *** not **** ********* *** also efficient ** **** **** **** ****** ***** *** *********** pursue ** IMC ******** in ********* ***** according ** evidence from ********* ******* ** more ************** *** ********* **** *********** ******* considering ** ********* ** the reach to *** ****** ****** ****** Earth can *********** ******* the ********** ******* of ******* and ****** ***** marketing ***** ** the **** time ensuring **** *** promotion or brand ******* ** *** *********** ** *** way ******* * **** ********** marketing ******** **** ***** **** ****** ****** **** consider its administrative ********** as * way ** ********* * ****** *** ************* approach to ********* There *** ******* ************** administrative ********** that ****** Earth *** implement such ** employing ******** ************ *** use ** ********* *** designing ***** images *** ****** media ** well ** ********* ******* *** ********** ********* specialists *** digital ********* strategistsConclusionThe *** ******* ****** butter market ** a ******* *** ****** ****** with * strong *** ********* ******* **** ****** *** ****** ****** ******** the demand *** ****** butter **** ************ ******* ******** still ******* **** this ** * ****** **** is ***** ********** by * *** ***** ******* **** ******** ********* **** ** ****** ***** ********** ** **** pace with *** major competitors ****** ***** as * small *** ****** enterprise ***** needs to ****** * ******** ********* **** for it ** survive *** ********* **** *********** such as *** *** *** ********* ** ********* such * **** ** must ******** the overall competitive ********* * ******** ******** of *** competitive ********* ***** Porter’s **** ****** ** ******** reveals **** ****** ********* **** source ** ***** ** *** ******* ** ******* with ********* *** favorable prices **** ******* very **** with *** structure and nature of *** firm which ** default ********* to ****** obliges **** ********** *** differentiation ** the **** strategic ***** **** ******* * cost leadership ******** ** *** ****** path ** ************** *** *********** advantage for Mother Earth *********** that *** ******* ** ** longer * ***** ************** in *** ******* mature *** ********* market **** ********** harnesses ** *** ******* ** ******* ***** leadership which in turn ******* ** * ****** ************** *** **** ****** *** ***** **** ***** ** *********** **** *** ** well be ****** as ******** *************** Such an approach for ****** ***** ** also ********* ** **** and ***** *** ***** **** * company ** **** a ******** must ***** * ******** ***************************** N ****** **** ********* ** ******** ******* ******** ****** ****** 100-108Grundy T ****** ********** *** *********** ******* ******** **** ****** model ********* ****** ***** 213-229Riley S * & ***** E * ****** ******* *** ***** *** **** ********* through * real ******* lens Academy ** ********* ********** ******* ***** 84-98Slater S * ***** * * & Hult * * * ****** ******* ***** ******** implementation? ******* ******** marketing’s **** Business ******** ***** 469-479Walker * * Jr ******* * ******* * * ******* J **** * ***** Osborne * ****** ******* * ** Marketing ********* * ******** focused ******** 3rd ed *** ****** *********** Higher *************** * C Jr Mullins * ******* * T ******* J **** * ***** ******* * (2015) ******* * In ********* Strategy: a ******** ******* ******** *** ** *** ***** *********** Higher *****************
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