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I cannot find the exam or answers for my assignment.
would to assist me with this below assignment please.
INFT6500 Accounting Information Systems
Assignment 2 – 20% of Final mark
Due: Midnight Sunday 31st March
Marcia has asked your company to investigate her organisation with a view to recommending a suitable solution for her requirements.
Your investigation will contain:
- ➢ Description of the problems
- ➢ Solution objectives
- ➢ Create a logical data flow diagram of the current business system. Sufficient detail should be included to clearly show all current processes.
- ➢ Create a logical data flow diagram for the new business system. The dataflow diagram should clearly show the new processes to sufficient detail to identify all processes.
- ➢ Create an E-R Diagram of the system entities for the proposed new payroll and revenue systems, clearly showing the relationships between the entities
- ➢ Develop a list of requirements for the new system – User Requirements List
- Problem Definition and Solutions Objectives …/4
- User Requirements List …/4
- Data flow diagrams …/6
- ER Diagram …/4
- Presentation and Proof of research …/2
- TOTAL …/20
INFT6500 – Accoun ng Informa on Systems Trimester 1 2019
Assessment 2 / 3 Narra ve
(35% of final assessment)
In assignment 2 and 3 you are required to inves gate the issues at “Marcia’s IT Development and Support” and provide a study into the improvement of their current business processes. You will need to conduct an inves ga on into the client’s problems and evaluate a solu on to meet their business needs.
Marcia’s requirements are summarized below. The detail provided is incomplete and may in some aspects be inaccurate. If you have any ques ons you may ask for clarifica on from your lecturer, who is Marcia’s representa ve.
Overview – Marcia’s IT Development and Support
Marcia’s is a locally owned business, it currently has four branches; Lithgow, Eastwood, Fairfield and Wollongong. The head office is in Kogarah. At the head office they develop and maintain a sophis cated stock management system, specifically tailored for small retail businesses (this system is called PerfectStock). The branches (with support from Head Office) market, implement and support PerfectStock for clients in their local area.
The branches also provide a full range of IT infrastructure support services to their clients including;
- · hardware and networking installa on, monitoring and maintenance,
- · Server so ware configura on and support,
- · Desktop so ware configura on and support.
- The business has become quite profitable in the past years and its owner, Marcia Norris has devised plans to expand by opening addi onal branches, ini ally in the regional centres of Coffs Harbour and Orange. Marcia has longer term plans for other service centres along the east coast of NSW and eventually na onally. Surprisingly the business, even though it produces and supports IT systems, uses almost completely manual processing (supplemented by a series of EXCEL spreadsheets) to support it’s internal administra ve systems. Marcia accepts that these systems are an quated, and inefficient.
- Currently, Marcia spends a por on of each week at each branch to monitor its opera ons and update the manual records they keep. This is leaving li le me to con nue developing PerfectStock, which should be her main focus. She realises she will not be able to spend the same sort of me in the Coffs Harbour and Orange branches.
INFT6500 – AIS
It seems that the me is right to look at how IT can be used to modernise her internal business processes which she hopes will enable her future business plans. You have been asked to carry out an ini al analysis of the company’s needs.
Basic details of the exis ng system
Each branch operates largely independently, with one salesman/manager, between 2 and 6 support staff and an office assistant.
The office assistant takes phone calls from customers reques ng support. The assistant fills out a spreadsheet based form called a “Support Sheet” for each call.
- · The fields completed at this me include the customer name, telephone number, address and support contract number (this informa on is extracted from another spreadsheet – The Customer Master file).
- · A brief descrip on of the support being requested and urgency of the request is then also added.
- · The request is then categorised as “Hardware”, “Networking”, “So ware” or “Stock system” (where the stock system is the system Marcia’s developed and sells.
- · The support sheet is then saved and printed (with most of the fields on it s ll blank) and the printed copy placed in a tray labelled “outstanding jobs”.
- When they finish their exis ng job, support staff pick up one or more support sheets from the “outstanding jobs” tray. They must ensure that they only pick requests that they feel confident to handle (for example not all staff can handle networking requests). The support staff member then contacts the customer and arranges a convenient me to do the work.
- Each branch has supplies of replacement parts for the equipment they service. Details of this stock are maintained on the PerfectStock system. The tracking of stock useage, re- ordering and so on is handled very efficiently and accurately. If the support person thinks they are likely to need a replacement part for a job they check that part out from PerfectStock and take it with them to the customer. (If the part does not get used it will be checked back in to PerfectStock when the support person returns.
- As the job is completed the support staff person records (on the support sheet) details of the hours spent on the tasks (categorised into areas such as travel, training, troubleshoo ng, repair and so on). Details of parts used are also entered onto the support sheet. When the job is complete the support sheet is placed in a tray labelled “awai ng invoicing”. Marica refers to the complete process described above as “Call Management”
INFT6500 – AIS
The next process is described by Marcia as “Accounts Receivable”. The office assistant takes the completed support sheets from the “awai ng invoicing” file at the end of every month and creates invoices for each customer (by manually entering the details into an EXCEL template). To create the invoice the assistant also has to;
- · Calculate the cost of the hours spent on the job (hourly costs vary for different types of customers as well as for different types of work – details of costs are stored in a Spreadsheet called “Price Book”.
- · Add the costs of any parts used (determined by accessing PerfectStock). Completed invoices are printed and sent to the client (the original spreadsheet is of
- course retained on the computer).
- A er payment for an invoice is received the original invoice spreadsheet is retrieved, marked as paid and emailed to head office. A receipt for the payment is also created and emailed to the customer. The invoice spreadsheet is then renamed by adding the prefix “paid-yy-mm-dd-” added to its name. Head office is also emailed details of all payments received at the end of each week.
- Reminder no ces are sent for any invoices not paid within 14 days a er sent date.
- The Stock Management process is (as previously described) implemented using PerfectStock. Marcia tells you that it runs extremely well, but will need to be integrated into any new system you might suggest. This subsystem records details of all stock items, including the supplier(s) of the item, price, delivery me, re-order points and so on. It automa cally generates orders to suppliers as needed and, when stock is received, it calculates the payments to be sent to the supplier – this informa on is automa cally updated to the head office computer.
- The work of the Sales Manager is not considered to be within the scope of this project.
- Each week, during her visit to the branch, Marcia reviews the hours worked by all staff at the Branch with the Sales Manager. She finds the unavailability of accurate and up to date informa on from the present systems an extremely frustra ng barrier seriously compromising their capability to complete this extremely important task.
- Each day, the office assistant banks the day’s takings and gives the bank receipts to Marcia when she makes her weekly visit. Marcia takes these back to Head Office and gives them to her accountant who reconciles bank transac ons against invoices paid and stock used.
- Apart from the instances men oned above the opera on of the Head Office is not to be considered as a part of this exercise.
INFT6500 – AIS
What Marcia would like.
Marcia hopes to achieve the following:
- – A modern computer based “Call Management” system iden fied and installed within the branches. This system should include entry of support requests, alloca on of staff to requests efficiently and effec vely, tracking of work allocated to staff. While she has not looked at their offerings in any detail she has heard “good things” about a firm called “Atlassian” who works on systems of this type.
- – Management of all invoicing from a computer based “Accounts Receivable” module (also to be iden fied and implemented as a part of the project.
- – Improved accuracy in recording of stock usage and at least 50% produc vity gains in all other administra ve tasks.
- – Iden fica on and implementa on of a single Financial and Payroll System to be run for all of the branches from Head Office would be highly regarded if feasible.
The computerised systems implemented must be well interfaced to each other so that data sharing occurs seamlessly wherever necessary.
The ability to order combined stock for mul ple branches would be valuable. The func onality is already available in PerfectStock but not yet implemented because the data on stock usage recorded in the present manual systems is both out of date and inaccurate.
Finally consolidated repor ng on all ac vi es at the branches to head office is an essen al requirement of the planned expansions are to be successful.
Some other smaller things that would be nice:
- – Ability to quickly determine if a required part is in stock at any branch.
- – Ability to generate invoices automa cally en rely from data held within the system.
- – Tracking customer requests and monitoring the level of service they are receiving.