After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies the case, prepare a 2000 – 2500 word

******* ***** ******** ********** ********************************** Management Strategy  Table ** ******************** ***** Problems with *** ******* Logistics ******* in *** ********* ******* and ***** ************* ** the use ** High ************ Vehicles ************* ** *********** ** Supply ***** Relationships ***** ** ******** ******* ***** ** Dedicated ********* on **** ** *** **** **** ********* 6Logistics ********** Strategies to ******* *** ****** ************** ** ******* and ***** Strategy **** ** Large ******** ** NSW ********* of ********* about *** *** ********* Environment ********** of Logistics ******* ********** ********** 9Expansion ** **** and **** Network Infrastructure **** ********** Involvement ** *** ********** ** *** ******** 10Recommendations 10References ************************* ********** ********** *** *** **** ********** ** ** ************ ** operate *** ******** ************ ** *** ****** *** ******* *** ***** and ***** of *** ********* customers ** well as ********** ** *** ******* Further ** ** ********** **** logistics management ** *** part ** ****** ***** ********** **** ********* ** ********* *** *********** landscape *** assure *** key business ******* ** the company for * long **** In ***** words ******** ********** ********* ***** ** **** *** ********* ** well ** ******** *** ********* ********* ******* *** reverse **** and ******* ** ***** and ******** ******* 2003) ******** management also controls ******* *********** ******* the ***** ** origin and *** point of *********** ** *** context ** meeting customer’s ************** the other **** **** paper is ********* **** * *********** ********* ********** ** NSW ********* *** ******* **** *** some ****** or problems **** the ******* logistic network ** QUBE *** *** ***** ******* companies **** ** **** ******* ******* **** ***** *** **** **** ********* *** Qube ********* ****** ** NSW ********* ** *** ***** ** background material on *** company and relevant **** ******* ** ******* ********* **** ***** ***** analyze ***** *** ****** or ******** **** *** current ********* ******* ** *** **** ***** ***** **** ******* about *** ********* management ********** ** ******* *** issues Further this ***** ***** ** **** helpful *** other scholars ** *********** ** increase *** ******* their ********* *** ************* and **** ** ****** ** this ***** This ***** would ** **** ******* for *** ***** ************* ** understand the **** ****** ** *** ********* ******* *** ***** ********* ** ****** the issues *********** *** *************** Problems **** *** ******* ********* Network ** ****** ********* network ** ********* ********* **** a ****** ***** as * ****** ****** of organizations ****** *** ********** as **** ** *********** and resources ** ***** ** **** a product ** service **** ******** ** ******** ******* *** *** ***** ***** ***** ** Australia **** is known as **** ******** ***** ** ******** ** *** ***** ********** ***** *** ******* ********** ******* ** which **** *** its ******* ********* **** *** *** ********** But the ******* ******** ******* ** *** **** of *** ********* *********** ** *** ******* of ******* problems (NSW ********** ***** These ******** ******** *** **** ** *** ******** *** services of ***** ********* *** ** interruption ** the logistics ******* ********* *** main problems **** *** current ********* ******* in *** *** ** ********* as ************* ******* *** PortsThis ** one ** *** **** ******** ** *** ***** Wales **** ******** *** **** ** the ******** and services ******* ** ****** **** ** * supply ***** management system ** is * **** **** that ******* matters to every person ** **** state ** grab the opportunity of reduction in *** **** of everyday ***** and ******** and ******** *** strength ** ****** industries *** generates ***** employment ******** ***** *** *** ******** ******* *** ports ******** of the ***** government ***** *** ************** ** *** ******** *** avoidance ** *** use ** ***** transportation vehicles ********* ******* *** *********** ** *** ***** amount ** ******* ********************** *** lack ** *********** *** efficiencies ** *** ************** ******* ** *** *** ***** ****** **** **** *** ***** *** **** creating problems in *** ********* network through increasing **** ** ******** ****** ** *** ********* ******** ***** ** the **** **** *** ********** late decisions about *** *********** ** the state’s ********* ******** *** ************** ** ***** plan **** increase *** ******** freight *** ports ******** ** *** *** ************ ***** *** ***** ** logistics ******* ** *** ********************* ** *** use ** **** ************ VehiclesMost ** the ********* **** **** ************ vehicles **** **** ** **** large ****** ** *** ***** ** *** ***** *** reason ****** ************ ** the *** ** high ************ ******** ** large ******** ** *** ********* ** ********* related to **** ************** ** roads **** ***** ***** ********* in *** (Blunden ***** ************ *** *** tapes *** **** *** **** reason in *** NSW that unnecessary ****** and downtime *** high productivity ******** in *** logistics ******** at **** ****** **** activity ** *** local ************** management ** *** *** ******* *** ******** ********** *** *** ******* ************************ in Development ** ****** ***** **************** ************ ** *********** of supply ***** ************* in * *** ********* *********** *** **** * problem ** *** **** diminish the ***** ** logistics ******* *** difficulty **** comes out *** prohibits ****** ***** ************ *********** ** *** ******* of ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** *** ****** ****** ** the ****** ***** ********* **** ********** ***** The ********* ** ******** ************ ******* ** * *** operating *********** takes **** **** ******* ** ***** proper ********* ****** ** ******* *** ***** *********** ***** *** ****** ********* ********* ** the ****** ***** ******* ** ***** *** **** **** the lack ** tactical ************* *** ************* relationships as **** as internal ************* between local authorities ** *** ****** a ***** ** ****** ****** ********* ******* ** * *** ********* *********** *** *** ********* Therefore *********** ** supply chain relationships in a *** ********* *********** for most ** the companies in *** ** * challenging **** and *** ********* ******* ***** ** ******* productsLack ** Analysis ********** ******* ********* network ** *** ****** ** considered ** ********** for **** *** ***** **** ** the ********* ******* ** *** lack of ******** ***** ********* operation ****** and performance *********** ******* **** ******* ******* ** *** **** ******* effectively and *********** in NSW (NSW ********** 2012) ******* *** lack of ******** *** finding main ****** ******** *********** **** *********** ** operational ********** and ************* ** the ********** performance *********** ** the ******* ********* ******* ** *** *** *** *********** ******** ** *** ***** ********** **** the actual improvement ** logistics network ** NSW ****** *** earning ** *** ******* ******* ********* this ** **** * ******* with ******* logistics ******* in NSW that ******* *** business operations of *** companies with ********** ***** **** ** ************** of the ************ ** Dedicated ********* ** **** ** the **** **** ************ road and **** ************** ** *** ** *** **** ***** that does *** support *** ******* logistics ******* ** *** **** ** *** ********* ** **** *** main line ********* ** *** **** and ******* in the *** **** *** ******** with other ********* corridors by the ***** ********** **** ****** *** **** and money in *** ****** of *** ***** *** ******** from ****** ** *** ***** *********** **** ** ******************** ** *** **** ********** **** *** ************** ** *** goods ** *** ********* in the *** ****** **** ** *** ***** ******* of **** ******** travelling **** ******* to *** ***** ******** ****** Therefore *** *********** ** *** ********* **** main **** *** ****** **** *** increasing cost ** *** ******** *********** and *********** when ** ***** be ******** ** *** ***** ******************* ********** ********** ** ******* *** IssuesThe ******* logistics network ** NSW *** ******* **** ******** **** **** ** be ******* ** the ********* **** ** increase the efficiency ** ****** ***** management ********* **** ********* ********** ********** ***** be required ** ******* such **** ** ******** ** ****** ** *** ** ******** *** logistics ******* ** the **** Company *** others ** *** profitable ****** These ********* ********** strategies *** ** as ****************** ** Freight *** ***** StrategyTo improve the ******* ********* ******* ** *** *** modernization of ******* *** ***** ****** ** *********** by *** ***** ********** This ********* ********** ******** would ** very ******* *** the large consignment ** *** ********* ** send ** *** me ****** **** several ***** (NSW ********** ***** *** involvement of the *** technology ** *** *********** ** ******* and port conditions ***** **** to ****** ************** costs *** ******** **** **** ****** to *** ***** place **** ** markets ** ***************** ** can ** ********** **** *** ************* ** *** freight *** ***** in NSW would *** only ******* *** ********* ******* but **** ******** the revenue of *** *** ********** ********* **** management strategy for ********* ******* in *** ****** ** implemented as **** ** possible to ****** the ******* ** ******** ******* *** ***** systemUse of Large ******** in ***** *** ***** *** **** ************ ** *** ***** ******** or **** ************ ******** ** the ********* ******* ** *** ********* because of poor infrastructure ** *** roads that cannot bear the ***** ******** pressure ***** ***** ** **** ******* ** is the responsibility ** *** *** government ** improve *** ********** ** *** roads ** ***** to *** ***** ******** to ********* ***** ****** of ***** ****** ******** **** *** ******** ** ***** ***** *** **** distance ************ without ********* *** ** *** ********* the same **** to ******** *** **** of ***** ******** use ** logistics ******* ** ******* *** issue the *********** ****** ******* (IAP) should be initiated ** *** ** **** program ******* **** ********** *********** *** ** ******** ** ******* ********** to *** transport ********* ** order ** ******* ****** to *** public **** system (Transport ********** Services ***** **** ******* *** enable ********* ** ************* ******* efficiency on major transport ****** **** ******* requirements ******** to ****** *** **** ************* ** ********* about *** New ********* ************** ************ ** development ** ****** ***** ************* ** * new ********* *********** **** many ************ *** this problem *** ** ******** ******* ****** training ** *** employees ***** *** *** *********** ********** ***** ******** ** also * **** ** logistics ******* ** **** ********* *** *********** ** the ********* about the ****** chain ************* ********* ** case of * *** ********* environment ******* it ** **** ********* that ***** *********** employee should **** ********* about the ************ ********** ********* ***** the ******* ******** ****** ******** *** ******** *** other **** *** *** ********* *********** ****** filled with ******* ***** ** risks ** ********** to **** *** right ********* ** ** part ** *** ****** ***** ****** Therefore *** ****** chain ************ ** ** *** ********* *********** ******** ** ********* to ****** *** effect ** ****** ******** in *** ********* ******* ****** *** ***** ******** or companies ******* *************** ** Logistics ******* ********** ************ ***** to resolve *** problem of finding ********* ********** issues *** measuring *********** ********* ** a logistics network ********** ********** ****** ** ********** ** *** *** government *** companies also ** diminish *** effect ** the problems ** logistics ******* In **** *** ********* network management ********** would be ********* ** ****** **** ********* in *** after ******** of the ********* **** ********** 2013) The ********* ******* management ********** can ********* *** origin of *** ******** ****** ****** ***** ************* *** ********* ******* management ********** *** **** analyze *** performance of *** ********* ******* that ** ** ********** ** *** ** *** ****** ** *** ******* ** *** ******** **** **** *** ******** as **** as security ** *** ******** **** ***** ***** ** some ****** ***** ********** *** material ******** ******* ********* *** ************ *** ********* ******* ********** department *** **** ****** ******* *** *********** personExpansion ** **** *** **** ******* InfrastructureThe ********* ** road and **** ******* ************** in *** would remove the ******** ** ******* *** ************** **** and ******** ** *** ******** effectively *** efficiently The ******** ** *** ******** *** ** ** *** ***** **** ** the ****** and ***** ***** be *********** ** **** **** ***** *** ** ****** road and **** ************** in *** **** ********** 2013) Further *** ********* ******* would **** ******** with ********** ****** ** *** products *** services in *** ****** ** new ********* ************ ** ***** ********* ** **** ** *** **** line corridor ** NSW can ******* *** ******** ********** ** the State when *** ********* ** *** ********** vehicles takes place and **** ***** ***** be collected ********* the ******** ** *** road *** **** ******* ************** ***** ******* the ******* ********* ******* ** ****** ********** *********** ** *** ********** ** *** *********** **** involvement ** *** NSW government **** ****** **** in the resolution ** *** ******** is the *********** and ************** ** the ********** *** road **** *** ports ** ******* *** ********* network ******* (NSW Government 2013) **** should be **** ********* ********** in the *** ** **** **** ******** to *** ****** *** companies ** well as *** NSW economy Further the ********* ********** strategy ****** ** ********* ** *** NSW ********** ** ******* *** logistics network in *** *********** *** ****************************** the ***** ********** ***** *** ********* ******* ******** and ******** ******* logistics ********** ********** ** can ** ****** **** there ****** ** more efforts ** *** *********** ** logistic ******* ** *** ********* to *** ********** *** policies The *** ********** should ***** over development of * ****** ***** management ****** ** ***** ********** *** profits ** the collection ** revenues In this the *** government should **** regional and local logistics network authority ** ***** every ******** ** transportation   ReferencesBlunden K (2013) *** ******* *** Ports Strategy ********* ***** ********************************************************************************************* ****** ********* for *** ********* from: ******************************************************************* (2012) *** ** provide * safe work *********** ********* ***** ********************************************************************* Government ****** ******* ** ********* of *** ******* ********* ***** http://wwwtransportnswgovau/media-releases/freight-forefront-nsw-economyNSW ********** (2012) THE NSW GOVERNMENT RESPONSE ** *** ******** ****** PLANS ********* from: ******************************************************************************************** ********** ****** ****** ****** ********* ********* ***** ******************************************************************************************************************** ********** ******** ****** **** ** **** ********* ***** ******************************** CDJ ****** ****** ********* and ************ Planning: ********** *** ********** **** Kogan Page **********

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