FIN 444 / FIN 444 Final Exam New (2016) Score 100% 100

* Which ** *** ********* *** ********* considered ************* ************

* merger

** ************

* ************

* consolidation

*** ** the ******

* Which of *** following is *** **** common ****** **** ******** ***** fail ** **** **************


**** of ********

Large **** of ****** *****

Inadequate *********** *** **********

Poor *********** communication

* An ******** ***** ******** the ***** ********* to buy *** ** the ***** ** * company ***** ** *** ********* terms **** ********* **** *************



Leveraged *******

****** ******

Joint ********

4 Which ** the ********* is ***** *** least regulated ********** ** *** ****




****** **********


* The purpose ** the **** ******** *** *** ***

Give ****** **** shareholders time ** review ******** proposals

Prosecute ****** **** ************ *** ****** ************

Protect ****** firm ********* **** ********

Prevent ****** *******

******* ****** *******

* *** ** the ********* are examples ** ************ ********** ******** ***** ** ***** ******** ****** ****

**** ***** ***********

Business combination ***********

******** provisions

********** ****** ***********

***** ******* ***********

* ********** *** ****** ************ stock ** the **** market ** * ******** **** ****** to ******* all ** the ********* ****** for

********* * *********** interest ** *** ****** **** ******* ****** **** actions public **********

******** *** ******* cost of ********* *** ****** ************ *******

********** *** **** ** ** ************ ******** attempt

Obtaining ********** ****** ****** in *** target *****

************* *** ************* ** ***** *********

* **** the years *** ** ******** *** *********** **** ** *** enforcement ** ********** **** ** ************* ***** **** the *** **** as


***** ********** *********

********** Standards ****** Public

********** ********* ****** *****

regulatory ********* All

of the ****** 9

**** ** **** *********** shareholders *** **** dissatisfied **** *** *********** ** *** ************ ******* ********** **** *** want ** **** ******* of *** board ** ** so ***** ************ offer their *** slate ** ********** *** **** ****** ** the ************ board ** ********* ******* *** ********* ***** ** elect these ********** they are contacting ***** ************ *** asking **** ** **** *** ***** ***** ** ********** *** firm’s ******** ********** *** ***** ** ****** ************ ** **** *** *** ********** they have proposed ** **** ****** seats ** *** ***** ***** of *** ********* terms best ********* this scenario?

******* *****

******** *******



** the ****** 10

****** ********* ******** an ******** ** all ** the ********* ******* except ***** **********




and ********* ************ Product

** ******* ************ **

*** ** *** ********* *** **** ***** ********** ****** ****** **** **********

********* ** differentiation *********** **********

********* ** **** leadership *********** *******

********* ******* **** costs due ** ********** accumulated ********** ******* *******

**** economies of ***** *** *** ************ ** **** ********* ********** ******* ** output increases

***** ** ************** *********** **

******** of ********* ***** ********** include ***** of the *********** Growth





** *** ****** 13

*** ********* ******* ********** * ********** ** *** search process and ******** ******** which of *** ********* ** ********* ********* ******

share ******* **** and profitability

line ************* *** ****** ***** *************

******** *** ****** ***** Degree

** ******** market ***** *** ****** rate

** *** above

Which of *** ********* ** not ********* ******* closing documents ** ** ***** ********** ******

of intent

** any liabilities to ** assumed ** *** buyer

and ******** ********** ** *** transaction ** ** be financed **** debt

************ ** all patents ********** *** ************ *******

** ****** to ** acquired

***** ** *** ********* ** *** **** ** *** acquisition process?

****** ******* * *********** ******** ** ****** **

********* deviates **** *** ******** ******** ** this ******** It

******** * negotiation ****** **

involves *** development ** * ******** ***** ****

of *** ****** **

******* **** integration issues are best addressed ***** ** *** closing ***** ******* *** of *** following except for

**** *** *** employee ********* expenses

**** ******** payroll ** ******* ****** ********* *********** ****

**** ** **** **** ****** **** customers that *** ****** ********* ** ******* after ******** ***

**** *** seller ** ********** for ****** **** ** ********* *** ******** **** ***** ** ******** ***

**** *** for ****** **** *** disability ****** **** often ***** **** ****** a business ** ****** **

Which of the following ********* commonly used ********** *** *********** ********* ********** Employees

*** ********** ** ***** *** same overall ****** ***********

**************** ** *** department are employed ** other departments

businesses ***** the **** ******* **** ** the legal *********** Employees

*** *********** ***

** *** ****** 18

Poorly executed *********** ***** ******* ** **** ******** ******** *** ***** ** **** ******** include which ** the *********** *********

morale among ***** that remain


************* *************

customer service

of the ****** **

Which *** ** the following ******* is not ********** ** *********** *** ************ **** of ******** risk

free **** ** ******* *****


rate on ********* ***** ********

****** on equities

between ******** ****** on ****** and *** risk **** **** ** return

Which ** *** ********* ** **** of the ********** ********* ******* Discounts

free **** **** ** the firm ** *** **** of ******* *********

free **** **** ** *** **** by *** weighted ******* **** ** capital

**** cash **** to equity ** *** cost of equity

**** **** flow ** ****** by *** weighted ******* **** ** capital

** *** above

*** *********** cash ***** ** * ****** *** relate ** which ** the following:

******** ********


********* ******


of the ****** 22

***** one ** *** ********* is *** a ******** **** ****** ** ******* target ******* **********

cash ***** **********

********* ******* ******

transactions ******* *****

******** ******* *****

******** ***** ******* **

Intangible ****** ***** ********** * substantial ****** ** ***** ** the ********* **** ***** ** *** ********* are *** generally ********** ********** ******** *******

and technical know-how

and contingent ******* **********

*** customer lists

*** ** ******* *** franchises

*** ********* 24

***** ** the ********* *** examples ** ********** assets **** *** have ***** ** *** ********* company?


****** Customer

***** and ************** *********

not to compete

** *** ****** **

***** of *** following ** ********* not ********** * source ** ***** ** the ********* firm?

*********** ********


** *** balance ***** at ***** ****** ****** ********

******* ***********


***** ******* ***** ** considered in *********** *** feasibility of financing * ******** ********** *********

******** ** EPS of *** ******** ****** Impact

** overall ********* ***** of *** ******** ****** ********

********* ** **** ********* on ******** **** of *** ********* ******** ******

** total ******* ** the ******** ****** ***

** *** above

A ****** ***** ** ******** ** ******* ******** ******

** ******** because the ******* **** dilute *** ******** ************ ******** *** ****** Should

be rejected ******* *** ***** year’s **** **** is ********* ***

a ******** **** ******

** ******* ******* ** ******* ****** *******

****** **** ********* **

All ** *** ********* *** **** ** ******* ******* ****** **** ***

be **** to **** * ******* firm public

********* an ********* *********** ** ** **** Commonly

*** ******* ****** ********** *** ********** Requires

* ***** of ******* ********* statements to **** * ******* **** ******* *

and ** **

*** ** *** ********* ********* ****** ******* ** ***** in appraising private ** publicly ***** ********** ****** **** Intellectual

********* ********




********** **

* corporate ***** *** have ***** ******** **

may ****** *** owner to ***** *** ***** ** ***** ******* ***

name ** ****** *********** **

***** *** the rights ** ******* ***** ** ************ ********* All

** *** ****** ****

of *** above

Which of the ********* is * ************ of ******* ***** ************* ********

***** from eroding ****** of receivable before ******** *****


****** **** ********** ****** ** receivables ****** ******** ********

**** decreasing ****** of inventories ****** closing

****** from ********** values ** *********** ****** ******** **

**** ** ******* can involve which ** *** following:



and stock

********* and ***** All

** the above

***** ** *** following *** *** **** ** *** ********* loss ********** *** *************** ***

********* **** ********** ****** ***** ** ******* ******** ***** paid

********* loss ************* enable ***** ** ******* future ******* ******* ***

operating loss ************* may be ******* ** ****** ** ** * ***** into the ******* Loss

******************* cannot *** * *** ********* **** ***** ******* ****** **** ****** viable *** ** *********** *** same business for ** least * ***** following the ******* ** *** acquisition

of *** ****** 34

*** *** ****** ** the *********** may ********* *** ******** ***** by

*** ***** demanded ** *** ****** ** offset ********* *** ************ Reducing

*** ***** demanded by *** ****** ** ****** ********* *** ************ Causing

*** buyer ** ****** *** ******** ***** ** *** *********** ** taxable to *** ****** ************ shareholders

the seller ** agree ** ***** * portion of the ******** ****** *******

the ***** ** ***** ** defer * portion of *** ******** price

******** ********** *** ********** ********* are included ** **** ********* to ******** *** ********** that *** interest and principal of outstanding loans **** ** ****** ** * timely ******* ***** of *** ********* ** *** true about ******** ********** *** ********** covenants?

features ******* *** assignment ** payments *** ***** a ******** contract ** the ******* ********

********* ******* ****** ** *** ****** ** ********* **** ***** ** paid

** the ****** ** working ******* **** *** ******** *** ********* Periodically

********* ********** **** be **** to ******** Automatic

**** ********* acceleration ** the ******** ** in ******* ** any ***** outstanding

*** ********* **** be **** ******* *** to ******* for * ****** **** ******** Major

*********** tend ** ****** **** ********** when * firm takes ** ***** ******* of debt

******** ********* *** ********** ***** of *** firm

cash flows *** ***** ******* to significant ***** ******** *** ability ** the **** ** ***** *** ***** *

*** * ***** *

* *** C

Antitrust ********** authorities **** ** **** **** ********* ** ***** **** of *********** Equity

************* *********

********* among ************ ******

********** *******

******** ventures involving collaborative ********* None

of *** ****** **

***** ** the ********* ** ********* **** ***** financing *** *** ************** Lenders

rarely ******* guarantees **** *** ******** Bank

loans *** ******** used ** **** ********** cash ************* ************

must ***** on ** *********** financial ********* *** the organization

** *** partners of ********** ****** *** usually **** ** value

*** ** uncommon **** of ***** ********** **

***** ** the ********* ** *** **** ** a divestiture?

****** **** ******** for *** ****** ***** Parent

****** ** ****** ********

** **** taxable ** ******** ** shareholders through a ******** ** stock ******** *

*** ***** ********** *** be ******** *

and ** **

* *********** automotive ***** ******** *** decided to **** *** ***** ************* ******** This **** ** ******** ** ** ** Merger




********* ************


*** ** the ********* are true ** *** ********** process ****** **** The

debtor **** may **** protection **** its ********* by ********** ********** ** may be ****** **** ********** ** *** ********** ****

********* **** *** bankruptcy ** ****** ** the ****** **** *** ****** ** **** to ** involuntary *********** ****

either * voluntary ** involuntary ******** ** ***** *** debtor **** ** ********* **** *** further ***** ****** ******* to *** debts ***** *** ********** *********** *** ********** ***

****** ** a ******** ******** ** automatic **** **** ****** *** ***** ******* *** request

********* **** ******** *** ********* ********** ********** ************ *** ************* ** ******** ** *** creditors on any **** or ***** **** ***** ****** the filing ** the ********** ********* **

All ** the ********* represent ********* forms of **** ************* ****** **** Debt



******** ******* Debt

for equity swaps

*** D

***** country ***** *** be ********** in ********* *** which of *** ********* reasons?

**** access to *** technology

**** ****** ** * ****** ********** ***** ***** **

**** ****** ** ********** ********* A

* *** C

*** * only

***** of *** ********* represent ****** ********** ** *** global ******* ***** ******* ***** **** applied ** valuing ***** ** ******** countries?

**** **** ** return

*************** risk ******** Firm

size **** ******** ********

******* ************ ****** ***** ***

** *** ****** **

*** most common form ** ******* ********* ****** ***** engaged ** ******** *** Stock



*** stock


stock and ****

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