strategic planning for elections |

********* ******** ** ********* ******* ** will help to ******* *** ********* *** of ****** resources – ***** ********* and *********


** ******* to *********** any major ********* ******* *** is * *** ************** ** ** ******** ** all ********* managers whether they *** ** ****** ** * ******** electoral ********** or * ******* **** * ***** ******* ********* ** ******* *** ************ *** **************** of *** ********* manager should be ******** The ******* **** obviously vary; in some ***** *** plan **** ****** ** *** ************ ** * ****** ********* ******* *** in others ** **** represent *** ********** *** proposals *** ********* high levels ** *********** ** * continuing ************ *** world is ***** with mission ********** ***** ********** ***** and long term ***** ********** and ********** ** ********* ** seems **** ************* compete **** *** ******* ** ******* ever **** ******* ***** and ********** *** ****** ** ****** taken ** ***** plans *** ********** may ** ** inverse ********** to ***** length


* **** contain
The American


*********** *** produced * ******** ******* ** ********* PlanningThey ******* **** *** characteristics ** * ****** **** **** 1 The **** should ** ****** 2 *** **** should be ******** * *** **** ****** be ********* The **** ******


out the *** ****** to ** ********* ** ****** identify the ******* key operational ***** *** *** **** ** responsible for **** *** ********* **** should *** *** *** ******* principles for *** **** ** *** electoral ********** **** The operational **** ****** then ***** ***** ********** to *** ******** ********* ******* ******** *** ******* * ******** **** which **** *** a **** ***** *** ********* against **** ** the activities Any ********* **** ****** ******* provision for a ***** *** ********** ****** *** overview ** *** whole process ***** ** *** implement ********** *** ***** ************** of ******** ******** ** essential
**** ** *********** Planning?


planning is ******* ***


*** ************** of *** ********* **** ******* ******** ********** ** *** case ** *** ********* ******* this **** normally ******** *** ************** ** **** ** ** ** the ***** ********* process **** ******* ** ** ***** ************ ***** ********* ** *** ******** *** counting ********* ** a ****** of operations ******* out ******* * ********* *** ** * manner ***** ******** **** the ********* *** *** ************ Like the ********* **** *** ***********


****** ** ****** ****** understood by *** the ************ and ***** *** ***** ******* **** activities they **** ** ********* *** *** time scale by which ***** **** ** be ********* ********** ** Previous ********* Activity
** occasion


managers are ***** **** **********


**** ******* previous national experience of **** ******** ** the scale ******* ******* **** ** 1989 was ** ******* In **** cases ******* ***** **** **** previous ********* *** any *********** ******** ****** **** **** ******* ******* from ******** ********* ** *********** ****** **** went ****** § **** went badly?


****** What **** the


and ***** ***** savings


****** ******


********* ***** ** simplified?
******** **** ***** ****** *** **** a


of **** *** money when ********


**** ********* ****** Operational ****** These *** range **** ****** ****** ********** identifying *** ****** ** *** *********


** complex


******* *** in ************ detail **** *** to ****** ** ******* dates For *** Haiti ********* ** **** a ******** ******* ********* of activities *** ******** which separates *** ******* areas ** ******** **** the following:
****** ********* **** ****** Structure / ********** ****** Operations of ******** ******** *** Local ******** ************ ******


****** ***** Recruitment


§ ********* ******


****** ***** Registration
****** ******* with *********** ****** Materials


****** ****


***** ********** ****** ********** §


** Materials


************* Activities


Complaints *** Contestation


******** ** has ***


** ******


******** time *****


**** ********* ***


** *


** activity *** *** electoral ******* is


common ******** ******** ** ****** **


******* * Canadashows ********* ** each **** ** the ********* manager’s **************** what


*** to be ********** *** **** ***** *** each and also **************** *** **** or activity to *** *********** ******* ** the ********* *** **** **** ** *********** **** ** ******** from *** electoral *** and regulations ******* **** no ******** identified ** *** law ** ‘missed’ ** the ********* ******** *** ******** ******** ******** * ********* ****** ******** Calendar- **** out *** ********** *** a ******** ******** *********** plans *** **** ******** *** *********** ********* manager or **** The **** **** *** *** Bosnia/Herzegovina


********* ** 1996Briefing ***** * ****** Kingdom **** *** ********** *** time ***** and the *********** **** It **** *** the ********* ** the final **** of ******* *** *** *********** for *** the acronyms used ** ** is easy ** understand and **** *** force *** ****** to ***** **** ** ******** ********* ** ***** (GH) *** Electoral Commission started *** ******** ******* ** *** ******** ***** **** *** ********** travelling ** or ******* ********* from **** ****** ** ****** ***** ***** ** ** **** ** **** *


**** ** a ****** *** **** ****** ******** concerned ***** the ***** *** **** scale *** ***** ******** **** ********* approaches ** ***** electoral ****** *** review ******* ** *** *** ** *** electoral task **** **** ******* *** *********** **** ****** well The *** ****** for * **** are ** ******* *** task *** the ******** *** ** ******** **** ******** ****** *** program *** ****** *** ** used ** **** understanding of ***** These charts *** *** **** **** ** ******** of the ******* and *** **** ** **** **** **** **** ******** *** *** ***** ****** ***** **** to be ********* ****** *** **** *** can ****** ** **** ** ** ****** to assess ***** *** **** ******** *** *** ** **** ***** ****** ** ****** ********* *** *** Remember **** the key **** is ********** *** election *********** ******* ** meant ** ** an *** ** this ******* *** *** * **** ** ****** ****** ***** **** ***** ********** *** **** ** *********** the **** ******* *** **** *** *** ************ the ***** occasions ****** **** ******** ** *** **** ******** ****** Plan * ****** Kingdomfor * ****** action **** ** ** ******** ** **** example all *** ***** *** ****** *** *** ***** who **** *** responsibility for **** are ***** *** plan sets


what *** ** ** **** *** **** it *** ** ** done!
********* ** *** *********** ***** *** ********* ******* if completed ************ **** **** ** *** ********** and ********** ** a **** of ********* ***** Ensuring that *** **** ******** and staff **** confidence ** *** ********* of


*********** **** will help **


** ********* the *** ***** ******** ** the run ** ** *** ********* process ** ***** **** ** *** ******* ********* and the planning of the ********* ******* and ****** **** ** *** questions *** ******* will also ******* ******** ***** ***** *** ******* ** ** **** ** *** example *** ******** of *** count or *** *** ******** ****** ********* **** be ******** ******* *** ***** *** will ** responsible *** *** **** ** *** *************** ******* ** the *** up to *** ************* *** ***** ********* in *** ****** ******* ** *** **** **** ***** ********* ******** ********* **** briefingsBriefing ***** * ****** ************ * typical ********* *** **** * briefing ***** *** ******** ** *** ** *** **** staff responsible for *** ********* ** two Parliamentary constituencies ** ***** ** ***** **** 4 were in *** ********* **** * *** ********* **** ******** **** ***** local ********** ******** to ****** ** either * ***** ** ********* basis *** *** election ****** ********* **** at an ***** stage *** ******* *** ***** work **** and ******* ******* **** ******** **** ********* *** responsibility *** *** ******** *************** *********** and ********* The *********** **** ****** ******* ***** guidance ** ** **** ******* ** an ********* Major ************ are not **** ** ******* but ******** ******** such as * fire ** * polling **** ** ****** vote ********


* disruption **


**** ** ********** **** ** ** ********** so that * clear ********* can ** ******** in *** *********** ******** given ** the ****** Precedents ***** *** ****** ******* ***** ********* *** ** ** ** 7 years *** elections *** ***** ** ***** notice **** * file of *** ***** ********* and ********** instructions ** a ******* ** ****** ********** ** *** ************* ****** **


**** the


**** ******* is *********** **** the next ******** ***** ***** *** *** *** ************* *** issues **** the **** ******** to **** with *** operational planning **** ***** ******** of staff ** ** *** ******* ** **** **** *** **** ******** of the *** staff ** *** ******** are not present * ** * years later If *** *** information *** ** stored in ********** ****** ** that it *** ** ******* *** *** **** ******** *** task ** **** ******* ******** **** *** **** ********** **** ********* ***** from ******* *** in most ***** ********* ******** ** *** next ******** process ****** when *** most ****** *** ******** * ****** ** *** ********* and weaknesses of *** **** ********* ******* ** essential *********


** normally repetitive and the


******* ** **** ******** must ** ***** into ******* ** ******** for *** ****** The **** ****** *** ******** ***** come ** **** after **** ****** *** ********* process – *********** ******* ** ****** are *** ********** polling ***** *** poorly **** *** causing ****** *** ********* the **** counting ** ********* ** ******* ********** **** **** layout and ************ ** poll workers in one **** **** **** * ********* *********** **** ***** ** another **** *** to ********** ******** *** must ensure **** problems ******* ****** *** last electoral ******* **** **** ********** *** ******* ** *** strategic **** steps ** **** sure **** **** **** *** ***** If *** problems *** beyond the control of the electoral ********** **** ** ********* ******* **** **** be highlighted ********* **** **** ****** ****** **** are the core issues *** ************** ************** ** **** ****** *** ************ ** essential ********* ********* *** normally ******** ** **** *** regulations ** *** ********* **** ****** ****** ****** with ***** provisions
Strategic plans *** ****** ** *** continuing work ** * *****


********** ** to *** ******** and implementation


a ****** major ********* ******* * such ** registration ** ****** ** ******* ** * ***** national election
The ********** ********* ********** ********** **** *** areas **


**** * **** ********* ***** ****** ****** Roll *********** § ******* ** ********** § Community ********** ****** Industrial ********** ****** Corporate *********** ** **** ********** ****** these five *** areas *** main **** *** **** **** *** ***


*** ***** ***** **** ** be ********* In ***** ** the *********** ** the **** the


****** *** *********


*** **** ***** and


*** *** ***********


********* ************ **


********** level At




is * ******* ****** divided **** **** ********* which are:
****** Corporate ******** * this ******** ******** ********* ********** ********* ******** *** services ***


****** *********** *** ********** ****** *********** and Research * this division includes election ********** legal people *** ************** ******** *** research and ************* ********* ****** ********** ********* * *** ********** ******* *** ******* ***** elections ** connection **** industrial ********* ******* §


**** ***** ********* the commission ** in a ******** *** **** ** **** **** ***


issues **** as *******


*** **** ** ensure **** *** initiatives ******** *** planning and ********** *** ******** ********** **** happens ** ********* ****


*** ********* **** ***** to ******* provision *** ******* **** major problems *** extract ***** ** ****


*********** ******* ‘Preparing


the Worst’ *********** Today(Vol * No *** ************* disasters * ******* ** otherwise – ** ****** ********** of ***** ** **** ******** ********* if a ******** contingency plan is *** ** ***** should ******* ****** ***


**** ********** ******* and use ***


********* Develop * *********** ********* ****** disaster strikes *** ***** ************ **** ***** ****** **** *** ****** ***** Not **** ** ** good ** **** ***** ********** in *****


**** ****** ********* *** *** *********** exercise **** help ** * *********** ******** **** Organize ** emergency ******* in ******* *** ********** **** ********* * one **** **** *** **** rely on *** ********* When ******** strikes ***** check ** the safety *** ********* ***** ** **** ********* Then communicate when and ***** **** *** to ****** *** **** Determine ***** *** *** *** authority ** postpone ** ******** ******* this decision ***** ** ** ******** **** ** *** Governor ** ********* ** State ** *** courts do not **** valuable time when disaster ******* **** * ****** ********** ****** as to ******* *** ******** is ** ** ********* or ********* on *** ********* ***** Work with *** ********* ********** ** ***** ******* officials ****** them **** the disaster *** * ****** and ********* impact on your operation *** ** on ********* ******** ******** *** ****** ******** **** *** officials’ ******** ********** *** *** **** ** ********* **** will be ********* Tap into ***** ********** Appoint *** ** your staff ******* ** be ** *** ********* ****** following the disaster 1 **


* ***** ********** ** *** ****** ** *** ******** 2 ** *********** ******* **** ********* ********* such as ***** *** ***** ******* *************** and other ********* 3 ** *********** **************** *********** ******* the news media Designate ** ********** ** ********** *** ********** that ****** will ***** *** ******* ** to


******** process ******* a ****** overseeing *** process **** assistance **** ** under-utilized ** a ******** ****** ***** *** only ** the ********** ******* ** ********** *** election but **** ** the ********* ** defend *** ***** *** **** to ******** *** ******* ** ********** possible ** ****** * **** election for ****** and *********** Keep ******* ** *** ***** you ***** ***** **** ****** expenses ***** result **** *** ******** ** ***** to justify * ************ ****** **************** There *** ** ***** issues ** ******* in *********** ******** *** ********* *** *** the ********* ******* to recognise is **** ******* **** *** ****** *** *** ****** ********* it and ******* **** ******* the process ******** ********** ***** but ************ **** ****** **** occur


problems *** ** ******* ****** *** ******* ** the ********* manager *** ** ***** ** * proper contingency plan *** ***** will ** *********


*** ********* manager has ** *********** or ********* **** * wholly ******** ******* *** rapidly become the focus *** complaints about the ****** with ***** ** was ***** A frequent ********* ** ********** ********* ** *** ********* or ******* ** ***** ***** ******** * water electricity ** **** * ***** *** *** ************ ******** ** ******* ***** ********** ***** ********* ******** Issues
***** issues ********* ****** identifying *** ********* available – personnel ********* ********** ******* assistance;
****** *********** which ***** can ** ******* *** ** ******** *********** ** ******** ************ ****** identifying ***** other agencies and ************* have * statutory role ** *** ******* *** ******* ** ********* ************* systems;
****** ******* up a ****** ****** ******* ***** **** ***** ****** ****** setting up staff ******** programmes;
§ *********


systems for *** ********


******* *** *******


****** ******* the **** ** ****** a ***** ******* ***** as


** *********** ******* contesting ******* ** ********** ******* *** strategic **** ***** ** *******


******* ** *** values ** *** ************ ******* **** ****** influence *** *** *** ************ ***** *** ******** its **********


Strategic **** ** Elections **************** ****** set *** ** *********** ****


*** ********* *** openness of ***


****** * fair *** inclusive ****** ********** to *** ****** electorate;


** all citizens ** the ********* ********* ****** staff ******** *** ************ *** **** **** **** *** ****




striving ***** ****** * high ******* **** ********* *** ************ service;
§ ********* ********* *** *********** between *** ***** ***** with the ******** ****** ********** ** performance *** ********** ***** electoral ************* *********** § efficiency and ************* ** achieving


**** *** ************ believes **** § ************ and independence


the ******** § ******** and **** ***** ** *************** ****** a


** ********* ***** ******* and ******* that *** organisation


§ innovation ********** *** ********


*** staff ******** *** ******** rapidly ******* ** *** ****** ***


****** *** ****** ** *** commission *** the ******


they **** *** **** **** ********* Overview
*** reports ********* by ***


******** ********* *********** such as ***** *** Canada *** *********


out both their **** ******* out ******


******** ****** *** their *****


*** ***** ****** *** **** **** Any


******* planning a major ********* ******* will


************ ******* ** looking ** ***** *********


**** ******* the *** overall ******


is quite ******** to ******** ** ********* ******* *******


********* **** but the ******* are **** little **** ** ****** from ** in terms ** developing ********** over * period **** strategic ******** will




medium and **** **** and *** in ***** ******* ** evaluate and improve **** **** ** *** ******* for the ******* ** *** *** participants ** ** ********* to obtain a ******** ******* ** *** ******* ******* ********* members **** *** different ****** ** ********* ********** ****** as **** as the political ********* Such * ********* enhances *** ************ ** *** ********* ********* work
Responsibilities of *** ********* ******** The ***** ************** ** *** ********* ******* ** to conduct *** ********* ******* in ********** **** *** law and *********** ********* on the national circumstances *** ********* ******* may **** *** ** input **** *** ******* ** *** law *** regulations ** Haiti **** *** Electoral ********** *** directly involved in *** *********** of *** ********* law ** *** ****** Kingdom (GB) the electoral ******** *********** *** **** *************** on **** ********* *** ********* the ********* ******* *** ***** *************** have *** **** ***** upon ************ the *** *** *********** **** ** ******** ********* ***


** *** ********* ******* ***


****** *** ********* ****** will ******* **** ********* ************ * *** ******** the ******* the candidates *** ****** and ***** ************* *** among *** ********* ****** ******* *** *** ****** ** ******** on ** equal ***** by all ** ***** ************ * ****** ** ***** *** ******* ** *** ********* is ************* opposed ** **** of *** electoral law **** **** *** role ** the ********* ******* very ********* *** ******* *** **** European ********** of *** ******** *** Association ******** * ****** that ******** **** ****** ***** **** ** ** ***** into ******* in preparing ** ******** **** ** ******* *** electoral ******* **** ****** **** *** *** *** also identify problems *** areas ***** ****** ** needed *** ****** reports *** recommendations ** *** law ****** authority
Examples of ********* ***** No *** countries **** *** same ********* law ** *********** *** there *** many ****** ***** *** ****** ******* ** ********* law contains * ****** of ********* *** ******* **** ************ Law * ******** *** Latvia **** seeElectoral Law – ******** of ******* for Cambodia (KH) ********* ******* ********* *** *** ******** ***** *** ****** **** seeCanadian ******** *** * ******* ** for ****** **** ************ *** *


for ****************** **** ******** and *********** – Bosnia-Herzegovina; *** ********* ******* **** seeElectoral *** ***** * Australia; for ********* ********* seeElectoral *** ***** – ********* Electoral **** for Ghana *******


********* ********* *********** –


and ******* * ****** *** *** ********* ********* (NI) seeExtract * ********* ********* Law **** ********* of **** ** ******** **** ******* ***** of *** world ******** a **** ***** ** ******** ** *** way ** which ********* **** *** ******* **** ** the laws *** comprehensive in ******* out *** ********* ******* ** ******* others **** with the ***** ********** ******* *** ******** arrangements ** ** set *** ** ********* *********** ***** ** considerable ********* ** having the ***** ********* *** ********* ** *** document that ***** ********* **** **** step of *** ******** *** **** ** *** ******* *** electoral law **** *** *** *** ********** *** ******* ** the ****** *** ******* **** ****** ** the ****** is **** *** time ********* during *** parts ** *** process *** the ****** ** ** ******** *** be very limited *** ***** *** ****** ****


******** ***** *** result *** been ********* ****** **** as the ************ ** parties *** candidates *** petitions against the ****** lists ***** *** all *********** *** ********** *** ****** ***** *** *** ****** *** ******** ******** ******* used ** *** ****** Kingdom **** and many ************ countries ****** * ********* ** ********* ***


****** if *** ******* *********


*** **** ******** *** court may then ***** that the ******** ** ***** or **** * ********* candidate is ******** ******* In many ******* the ********* of *** ****** **** **** ********* value **** status applies particularly ***** *** *** is *** ********** precise *** the courts determine *** ** ****** ** *********** ** *** United ******* (GB) the ********* ** *** ****** over *** ***** **** clarified **** ** done **** * ballot paper ** not marked absolutely ** ********** with *** law *** ******* *** **** should ** ******* or ****** for uncertainty It ** ******** to ******* *** ****** **** *** part ** *** process ******* *** ********* ** ** **** ** a ******** electoral ********** *** ********** is then *********** *** ******* with all complaints ******* **** the electoral ******* **** system ******* ******** that *** electoral ********** be ********* ** impartial ** ******** ** *** ****** *** ** * **** ********** *********** Another ********* role of *** courts is ** ******* **** ******** ******* the ********* *** ***** ******** *** ******* staff who **** not ******* *** their ****** correctly; ** candidates ** ******* ***** have *** ******** with the rules ********* their *********** ** citizens *** **** breached the rules ***** *** ******* *** ****** ** ********* voters
******** of ********* **** **** ***** aspects ** *** electoral ******* ** *** ********* **** ********* ******** **** ** is not ******** ** **** ******* ** ******* ** ****** **** *** ***** ******** *** should incorporate ******* the *** features the *** should ***** include:
****** setting *** **** organisation or person ** *********** *** ********** *** ********** the ********* process *** the *********** of ******** ******* ****** ******* *** ***** *** regulations *** ********* ******* *** ************ ****** ******* *** the ******* *** *** ************* *** ****** of ********* ***** *** ************ § ******* out *** ******* *** ***** ************ *** *********** who can *** ****** ******


************ ***** *** the


** *** election *********** ****** establishing rules *** *** conduct ** *** voting ******* *** *** ******** ** *** ******* ****** making ********* for ******** voting;
§ establishing ***** *** ***** *** ********* ******* and funding;
§ establishing ***** for ***


** *** media *** ***** ***** ******* *** *** governing *** election ********** § ******* *** ******* ******** ** connection **** the


********* § ************ a ***** *** rapid ******* *** ******* ****


*** *********** The Ability to ********** and ********* *** rigidity ** ********* **** *** ****


**** ********* *** the ********* ******* to **** ** new **** of ******** *** tasks


inclusion ** * ********* ****** *** **** *** *********** **


*********** ** *** ******* ** the ********* ******* ** a major ******* Such *********** **** **


******* ** ********** and ************ with


******* ** ********* *********** in ** *********** ****** ** ********


********* need ******* ******* – in ***** ********* ************ *** ** the ***** ******** *********** *** Working ********** ****


********* **** *** ********** prescriptive *** ******* ***** individual ****** ***


******* *** ********* ***** *** electoral ******* ** **** ***** **** *********** working


*** **** ** ***** working *********


******** established ** *** ********* manager ******** *** manner ** ***** *** ******* site ** **** out *** *** *** ********* the ******* **** ** **** *** ** ******** ** prescribe the ****** ****** or the *** ** ***** the ******** ****** ** laid *** ** setting *** ******* ********* the electoral manager should ****** **** ***** ** *** ******** in *** way with *** *** ** regulations or ****** ** * ********* in ***** any partiality is shown ** ** **** **** ***


** ** **** *****


**** ***** ******* sensible *** ** *** ****** ** ********** *** ****** must ** ** ****** the *** * *** ***** to ***** *** ****** ** ******** working


which *** ************ **** its ********** Working practices are ******** ******* ** ***** ** ***** ************ *** law may **** ******** ******* ****** **** ***** ********* ** for ******* poll workers * *** working practices may go **** further ** ***** ** setting *** ***** ************* criteria ************** *** *** issues ** be ***** **** ******** **** *** *** Cover All Electoral ******* Most *********** ***** *** with *** ********* ** ******** electoral *** that ****** every *********** issue which *** ***** ****** *** electoral process It is ****** ******* **** *** electoral ******* will be ***** **** a situation ** ***** ******* activities ********* **** *** ********* ******* *** *** ******* ** ***** ***** ********** ****** *** *** ****** ******** *** ** *** ***** of ***** activities *** ******** ******* ** **** areas ** ** ********* for the ********* ******* ** ** ***** ** **** **************** *** *** ** *** ** her ******* For example whilst it ** ******** to prescribe ** the *** ****** *** the individual ******** ** ********** ** ******* ****** control ** ***** expenses ** **** *********


************* *** easily support campaign ********** ***


media ******** **** ** fair in one person’s ********* is *** **** ** ******* person’s The ********* ******* *** only ***** *** *** fairly *** ******** If *** ******** ** *** ****** ** * ********* ** ******* *** *** then *** electoral ******* ****** make **** ***** and ******* **** ** or *** has ** ******** ** the ****** ************** of the **** *** electoral managers **** ** work ******** *** their *** initiative When a situation occurs ** which *** *** **** not prescribe a clear ******** and *** ******** ****** *** **** ******** *** ******* **** **** to ********* *** law and ****** *** best ** **** **** the situation In **** ********* ***** are ********* ******* ************ ** ****** In **** ************ ** ******* clear that ********** are rarely ****** *** that ******* manager *** ******** **** ***** with the **** ******* The **** ** ********* ******* groups is important ** ********* *********** ** interpretation and consistency *** ******** in working ********* Every ******* **** **** an ***** ****** ** specialist ******* or attorneys *** can ** engaged ** **** ****** ** *** interpretation


*** *** Government ***********


offer ****** In the United ******* **** *** **** ****** ***** ** *** ********** ********** **** ************** for ********* legislation *** ********** ****** ********* **** **** ****** ** *** ****** ** *********** *** how it ****** be *********** It ** ** *** ******** ** electoral ******** to ****** that *** *** ** *********** in * consistent ****** *** ******** **** ** ******* ** ** ******* ***** of * ******* *** *** is ******* ************ ********** *** ************* *** electoral *** **** *** ** effective if *** ********** *** so ******* **** they ****** ** understood ** *** ********** ** ** ******* in * **** *** *********** ****** *********** ***** **** ******** **** *** ****** ******* of implementation ** *********** ****** ******* **** to be ******* ** ***** applied ** organisations ***** have ******* ********* *** ********* The ******* ******* ** the ******* **** elections of **** was ** high ******* *** ******* ** checking at ***** ***** ** *********** ********* The bill for *** ********* *** **** **** high **** a cost *** **** rumoured to ** *** ******* ** any ******** ever **** In *** ******* (EE) ********* ** **** *** ******** ***** ** writing ** the ****** of the ********* ** party


********* **** **


****** *** ****** understood ballot paper The voters lists **** prepared ** ******* **** with *********** for ********* up to ******* day *** whole ******* *** observed ** * ******* of international ********** ** *** ****** *********** effective and **** **** ************ ***** of Conduct and Regulations
Two electoral **** ** ***** ***** **** **** * **** ******* of ************* input *** those *** ******** **** ** **** *** ****** * *********** **** Both contain ***** ** conduct *** * ******* ** the participants involved ** *** ********* ******* *** ******** (KH) code is ********* in Annex * * ***** ** *** ** and ******* ********* the conduct ** *** ********** * ******* *** ****** * *********** **** codes *** ********* ** Chapter VII *** **** separately **** *** ******* ********* ************ ********* ** codes ** * *** ** setting *** ******* ********* of ******* ***** have legal ***** *** *** ********** *** normal ********* *** ********** regarding ******** *** ***** **** *** Bosnia * *********** **** ***** 34) is * ************ **** example


********* ***** ***** ******* should


*********** **** the **** ***** as *** ** **** ******* *** *********** *********** ********** ** the ****** ******* **** **** ** *** ****** ** ********* ********* ** ********* ** regulations ***** are **** ***** *** ********* of the **** ********* law It **** ** clear ** *** ************ whether codes ** ******* *** *********** **** **** legal force ** are ****** ***************

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