The writer is very fast, professional and responded to the review request fast also. Thank you.
**** 1
* Question * **** ** **** ** *** ******* **** of integrated ********** ******** *********
****** **** ***** ******** that ** **** ** ** ********** ******** ****** ** equipped ** **** *** ** *** ************* ******
Ensure that ******** receive high-quality ************** care ** the **** appropriate setting
****** that ***** ******** has equal ****** ** healthcare *********
****** **** ****************** *********** *** ** ****** among all the ********** ********* ** *** **** **********
******** * Question * (TCO ** ***** *** ** *** ***** ******** *********** ** *** British ******** ** North *********
************* General *********
*** **** *********
************ *********
****** Hospital
Question * Question : **** ** Why *** ******** ******* *********** ***** *** **** to ****** ******* ********** ***** ******
******* it was * ***** organization
******* ** encouraged ***** ********* boards
******* ******* *** **** to *** ******* ********
******* ** its large membership *****
******** * ******** * **** ** Members ** the ***** House ** ********* ****
********* ** *** ***** Board ** **********
******* ** *** ***** Board ** Directors
******* ** ******* ** ***** ********* organizations
******* ** the ***** ********** **********
******** * Question * (TCO ** *** ******* ******** ** *** ******** ****** *********** ********** *********** is ***
****** that ******** and ******** ******* ******* are written *** ***** hospital ********
standardize *** ******* *** ****** of *** ****** ******* ********** ** acute *** ********* care ***********
******* *** accuracy *************** *** accessibility of health ******* ** ***** healthcare ********
******* ******* *** **** *** ********* ****** *********** ********** *********** programs
******** * ******** : **** ** ***** organization’s **** ** centered primarily ** health *********** technology?
Question * ******** : **** ** ***** of the following ****** ****** to ******* ****** *********** ********** ***************
******** Health *********** Management Association ********
American Recovery *** ************ *** (ARRA) ** *****
******** ******* ** Professional ****** *******
None ** *** ******
******** * ******** * **** 2) ***** ** *** following ** **** ***** ******* ******* and Coding ***************
**** assign ******* codes to patient ********* *** procedures
**** process medical ***** ****** ****** for ********** ********* ** *******
**** *** ******* ***** ****** ******** or *********
*** ** *** ******
******** * ******** * (TCO ** ** * ****** information professional ** you *** ** working as a _____________ you **** ****** design and ****** *** ********** program ***** ******* that the healthcare ************ ** ********* conform state and ******* government ************ ** well ** accrediting ****** *************
Project ********
********** ********
****** ********
**** quality ********
******** 10 Question : (TCO 1) ***** of the ********* *** ****** ********* ** *** ***** ********** on ** Healthcare?
There was * ******** in the *** of ******* *********
***** *** * ******** ** hospital *********
It **** physicians ******* ** ****** ******************** ****** **********
All ** *** above
* of **
******** 11 Question * **** 1) The ***** Commission ******** ************* ******** *** *** ***********
********** care
***** *****
********* *****
*** of *** ******
******** 12 ******** * **** ** This ****** health professional ********* *** ****** patients **** ******** **** ************* physical ** work-related ***********
** ************
An ************ therapist
* physical **********
A *************** ************
Question ** ******** : **** 2) ***** ** *** following ********** ** true about registered *******
Nurses serve *** **** ***** ****** ** *************
****** *** ******** ** have * license in ***** to practice
****** ******** from *********** ******** programs
****** **** have * ************** ****** ** ***** ** *********
******** ** ******** * (TCO ** ***** ** *** following *** medical ****** *************
*** ** *** above
******** ** ******** : **** ** *** *********** role of *** ******** was:
*********** ******
********** based
************** based
************ ******
** Question
* Question * **** ** ***** ** *** ********* ********** is **** ***** ********** ******** It
******** only ************ and ************* ********* *********
coverage ********* ****** restrictions on the psychiatric **** **** ** * ***** ** *** ****** ** ********** ******* ***
quality ** ********* ******** *** *** changed ** *** past ** ****** ***********
**** is restricted ** ********** care settings
* ******** * (TCO ** * physician needs ** **** ********** **** *** * ********** *** patient **** **** ** ********* **** ******* ** *** **** ************* Residential
**** facility
nursing ********* *******
* ******** * **** ** Which ** *** following ********** ******** ******** ******* ********** Social
******** *************** *******
*** ******** *** Medicaid ********* **
Public Health Services
********* of ******* ********
4 ******** * **** ** Which ** *** ********* ** **** about Quality *********** ************* (QIOs)?
were **** ****** **** review ************** ****
ensure quality *** efficiency of ********** services
cover **** ***** *** ********* ** *** US
** *** ****** Question
* ******** * (TCO ** *** ******* ** Accountable **** ************* (ACO) has existed *** * while *** the ACO model ***** ************** **** after *** ********* *** passed:
********** *** ********** **** *** ** ***** American
Recovery and Reinvestment **** ***
****** **** HIPAA
* ******** * **** ** **** ******* use **** *** **** ** **** *** patient improve *********** ************* ************
******** Diagnostic
*** *********** ********* **************
******* ********* Clinical
laboratory ********* Question
7 ******** * (TCO ** *** ** *********** for ************ *** ******** *** ********* direction ** *** ******** ** healthcare ************ *** for ******** ** ********* executive management ****** *****
of ********** *****
********* ******** *****
information ******** *****
of ****** ********
* ******** * (TCO 2) Which of *** ********* ***** ** categorized ** ********* *********** **
*** ***** ********** University
********** **************
********** ***********
********** ********
* ******** : (TCO ** Which ** *** ********* statements **** ********* ********** *****
******* **** ******** ********** ******** *** the ******** Federal
******* **** ******** ********** ******** *** the elderly
program that ******** healthcare ******** *** ********** ********* *******
*** ***** program that ******** healthcare *** low-income ********* Question
10 ******** * **** ** ***** ** the ********* ****** developments has *** *** a significant influence ** *** ** healthcare ******** ******** ******
** ******* ***** Emphasis
** *************** care
** ************ *********** ******
** subacute ***** Question
** ******** : (TCO ** ** ********** Delivery ****** (IDS) *** certain ********** ***** ******* It
** ******* ** ******* innovation
******** * full ********* ** **** *** patients
** ******* ** ******* improvement for ********* It
** ******* ** **** ******** *********** ********
** ******** : **** 3) I *** ******* **** morning My ******* **** lasted 30 ******* *** * was ***** to leave the ******** * ***** ***** * **** **** had ** ******* ** ***** **** ** ********** ************
ambulatory care ******* ************
ambulatory ******* ******* Subacute
delivery ******* ********
** ******** * **** 3) Which organization *** *** mission of ********* *** science and art of medicine and to ******* ****** health?
Joint *********** ********
******* ************ ********
******** Association
******* ** Healthcare *********** Question
** ******** * (TCO ** ***** ** *** ********* ** **** ***** accreditation?
** * ********* ******** Most
****** ** *** ********* ************** ****
****** recognize ************* by The ***** Commission ** * condition of licensure
*** ** ********
** ******** * (TCO ** *** ** *** ************* ** individual ****** ***** is:
do not ***** ********* ***************** They
*** **** ** fringe ********* They
**** *** deductibles
cost **** **** ***** ********* ****
******** *
******** * **** 4) ***** of *** ********* ** a ******* ******* ** *** ****** record?
** *******
******* care
** *******
******* ********** ** bill
for ********* All **
*** ****** Question *
Question * (TCO ** *** admitting **** ** *** *********** health ****** ********* that her ***** **** was ***** 21 1948 ** *** ********* summary *** *********** ***** **** *** ******** ** **** ** 1948 ***** ******* ******* ** ******* **** Mrs *********** health ******** **** *************
**** ************
Data accessibility
**** ******************
********** *******************
2 **** 52
Question *
******** : **** ** **** ********** ****** to **** ******* **
************ of
*********** **
****** **
***** ******** *
******** * (TCO 5) ***** of *** ********* ** *** a ************** of high-quality ********** ****** Data **********
Data currency
**** consistency
**** ***************
Question 5
******** * **** ** * **** **** ***** ** list ************* ***** of *** health ****** ***** *** ** *** ********* ***** I ******* ** ** ****** **** Cross
*** Blue ******* The ********
*** ******
****** Question
******** * **** 6) Which ** *** ********* elements is NOT ********** * ***** component of every *********** ******** ********* Communications
****** ****
*** ****** ******** 7
******** * (TCO ** ***** * hospital ********* ******** a ********* **** * ***** ** ******** ******** ********* *** ** onset with ******** ** a ******** **** ******* *** ********* *** ******** ***** from *** ********* **** *********
**** sets
Question *
******** * **** 6) Which ** *** following connects ******* ****** * ***** ************ **** **** as * ******* ********* ****
******** : **** 6) Which ** *** following enable(s) computers ** * network ** *********** **** each ******* *********** languages
***** *******
********* networks
Question 10
******** * **** ** ***** ********* *** **** ** ****** ********* ************ business transactions
********* ********
Midrange ********
******** : **** ** An information ****** **** ****** a ********* **** * ********** ***** ** outside of *** normal range is ****** ****** ******** *******
******* *************** *******
management information
******* *********** **********
******** **
Question * **** 6) A ***** ******** ********** **** *** ** a table and ******* that ** ** unique
**** Primary
******* ****
**** **
*** ****** ******** **
******** * (TCO ** **** _____ stores **** ** ********** ****** ********** ** **** *** ******** Object-oriented *********
Relational *********
************ *********
**** **
*** ****** ******** **
Question * **** ** *** **** *** sequence ******** are ** ******* ** *** ********** ********
********* ********* computer
********* ******* modeling
********* ******* *********
******** 15
******** * (TCO ** ** which phase ** *** ******* *********** life ***** are ***** **** ** *** new ****** ********* ****** *** ******** ******* ********** developed *** training ** *** ***** *********** ******* Implementation
******** ***
**** **
* ********
* **** 5) *** ********* records *** ******** ***** still ** *** ************* room This ** ******** ********* ** *******
******* ***** **
************** ******** ******** ***********
******** * ********
* (TCO ** The ****** ********** wants * daily ****** ** ****** records **** **** ** ** coded ***** ** *** ********* ******* ***** ** best ** ******* *** supervisor’s needs?
**** ****
* (TCO ** Which ** *** following ******* ** ******** ********* to ******* ******* care ** providing healthcare ************* ****** ** timely ******** and ******** *********** for ******* **** purposes?
************** *********** system
******** *********** *******
********** ******* system
********* *********** *******
******** * ********
* (TCO 5) ***** of the ********* ** NOT * ************** of * DSS?
******** ** ***
******** Provides ********** ********
**** statistical *********
******* ******* **********
Question * Question
: (TCO ** I ** ******** **** **** *** structured data **** ** called:
Template-based ****** *******
**** *********
******** guidelines
******** * Question
: **** 5) ***** ** *** ********* *********** systems ** **** ** ****** ********** providers in *** actual ********* and ********* ** ********** ******** ******** *******
********** information *******
********** information *******
******** *********** *******
Question * ********
* **** ** ***** ** *** following ** used ********* for monitoring performance?
* **** ** ***** of *** ********* systems ******* ** ********* ******* and information ** ******** for ********** ********** ** the ************** ********* *********** system
Clinical ******** *******
******* ********** *********** *******
********* ******** support
Question 9 Question
: **** ** Which ** *** following ** a core ******* ********** ** HITs?
Coding ******** and
Protecting ************* *******
*** ************ *************** ************ ******* reports
********** quantitative analysis
on record content
Question ** ********
: **** ** Which of *** ********* ******* ********** is ***** ******** **** ** HIT ************ ******* that ******* *********** is **** ******** ** ***** *** **** * ***** ***** to ****** **** Autonomy
************ Justice
: **** 7) ******* *** ** ******* as:
The ********** **
*** *** *** ********** ** private information
*** ***** **
** individual ** be *** ****** *** ******** and
********** ********** ** ************ *** ********** **
information **** accidental ** *********** disclosure
******** ** ********
: (TCO 7) ***** ** the ********* ** ** example ** **** ********* ** * ******* monitoring system?
*********** ************ *****
****** ***
******** *********
******* ********
** ********
* **** 7) I am ********* ***** *** *********** **** *** PHI **** * ** releasing ** ** *** *********** will be *********** ** another inappropriately *** ***** I be ********* **** * ********* release ** ************* *** ***** **
******** ******* ******* ************** **** practice is
******** *** ******** *****
** responsible *** *** ************* secondary ******** The ********* *******
** prohibited ** **** states
******** ** ********
: (TCO 7) Which ** *** following ********** ********** ** example ** **************** **** **** ensure
**** patient-identifiable *********** ** *** ******** ** ************ ******** HITs **** *****
***** ****** and ************ ** ***** ***** HITs must ******
that patient-identifiable *********** ** released to *** parties who need it ** ******* ******** to ***** ********* HITs must ensure
that ******** ********** *** *** other ******* are *********** access ** *** ************* ********** ****** information
******** ** ********
* (TCO 6) * **** *** * 10-hospital chain that is ********** five **** ********* **** ** these hospitals have ********* ******* ********* ***** *********** ******* This has ******** ** concerns ********** Point-of-care ********* ****
******* *****************
Supportive *********
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HIT 120 Week 1,2,5 & 6 Quiz.docx
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