Ashworth college BZ480 Online Exam 7 latest 2016 2016


**** * of * * ***** 1000 *******

Question * ** 40

50/ 50 Points

***** of *** following is ** ********* ** the ******** ******** **** ******* ************** ********* ** top **********

* *********** ** ***** ******* **** subsidiaries

* Less-costly transferees

C ************ ** global multicultural ******

* **** ************* ** *********** ** ******* countries

******** 2 of ***

*** ** Points

**** Sanders ** ******** ***** ** a ******* ** *** firm’s headquarters in *** York ** recently learned **** ** *** **** ******** ** manage *** ********** subsidiary office ** Tokyo and ** will ** ********** ** ***** ****** *** **** six weeks ***** ** *** following ******** approaches ** being ******** ** **** **********

* Polycentric

* Regiocentric

* Global

* *************

******** 3 ** ***

*** 50 *******

Training *** host-country nationals ****** *** ****** stage ** ************* will **** ****** ***** on:

* parent-country products

* ****** ******* policies

* ******* and ******* systems

* ********** and service ***********

******** * of 40

*** ** *******

*** ******* ** “keeping the ********** *********** in terms ** ************ most likely ***** ******** **** the ******************

A ****** ** ******** *** the overseas ***********

* health ********* ******** ** ******** accepted

* foreign *** ******** taxes *** **** in * ****** *******

* ******** of ****** ** ** par **** **** of colleagues ** *****

Question * of 40

*** ** *******

Which ** the ********* ******* will hinder the *********** ** ********** ***** **** ***** *******

A ********* sharing

B ************ mentality

* Overseas experience

* ******** ************

******** * of ***

*** 50 *******

***** ** *** following ** *** * ******* for *********** ************* momentum?

* **** and cost constraints

* *********** **** ********** requirements

C *** ****** ************ ** ******

* ****** ** ************* *****

Question * of ***

*** ** *******

***** ** *** ********* ***** ** ************ ********* *** term ********************** *** ** *** ****** ******** **********

* Repatriate

B ****** ********

* Transpatriate

D **** ********

******** 8 ** ***

*** ** Points

***** ** *** following ******* is used ** many ***** ** ****** *** ******* ***** ** ********** *************

* ********* the expatriate’s *****

* *********** *********** ** ***** ***** **** ******* ***********

* ************* ****** *************

* ************ ****** ******** *********

******** 9 ** 40

50/ ** Points

__________ is ************ ***** ********** as * ***** determinant ** success ** ******* ** ************* business

* ************* ***** resource ***********

* Procurement of *** ********* **** *******

* ************

* Insourcing

******** 10 ** ***

*** ** *******

*** __________ is ***** **** to ******** *** standard ** living ******* *** **** ******* *** the **** ******* *** ** *** **** ************ *** inconvenience or *********** *****

* localization *********

* balance ***** *********

* relocation *********

* ********** approach

Question ** of 40

50/ 50 *******

***** ** *** ********* most ****** ****** **** * ******* ** *********** ** another **** of *** ******* ***** ***** *** significant ******** *************

A ********** ******

* ******* shock

* *************

* Repatriation

******** 12 of ***

*** 50 Points

***** of *** following can ** ****** as a benefit ** *** ******* ** ********** **************

* ********** *********

* ************** ************

* Health **********

* Private education for children

Question 13 of ***

50/ ** Points

***** managers *** ***** ** **** *** positions ** their own ******* under the ********** staffing *********

A *******

* ************

* ethnocentric

* ************

Question ** of ***

50/ ** *******

*** **** ** ************** ******** ** to **** the **************** ********** ** *** new *********** ** **********

* ******* ******

* ***** *********

C ****** *********

* ******** **********

******** ** ** ***

*** ** Points

***** ** the ********* ** **** **** regard to ******** *** ************ ************ ***********

* HCNs *** ****** ******* ******** ** ****** ******** and Internet technology ****** ***** **** *************

B *** *********** lifetime employment and guaranteed **** ******* of *** East *** ***** ************ ******* by *** *****

* **** multinationals **** ** ***** ***** ********* ** ****** the ****** between *** firm’s successful ********* ******* and ********* and *** local culture and **** practices

* ** ************ times MNCs ****** **** * ****** *** strategy in ******

******** ** ** ***

*** ** *******

********** ** *** first ***** ** * comprehensive **** *** ********** ************

* ********* *********** *** ******* ******

B *********** ** *** ***** ***** to *** *****

C *********** ** * contract

D ******* recognition

******** ** ** ***

*** ** *******

********** ******* ** an ******* of ******

* *******

* tax

* **********

* ********

Question 18 ** ***

*** ** *******

********** ******** from Latin ******* *** * ******** ** Brazil is an example ** __________ staffing *********

A *******

* *************

* *************

* ************

******** ** ** ***

*** 50 Points

Which ** *** ********* ** *** ***** stage ** *** IHRM process **** ** **** to ******** *** effectiveness of expatriate *************

* Selection ** expatriate

B ********** ********** and family ** ******* **** process

* Development ** contract

* ********** ** *********** *** ******* ******

Question 20 ** ***

*** 50 *******

***** ** *** following ** * factor **** *********** integration of ********** ***** with local *******

A Withholding ****** ************

B ****** a headquarters mentality

* ******** the local language

D ************* ********** *********

Part * ** * * ***** 1000 Points

******** ** of ***

50/ ** Points

*** ********** ** the ******* ***** of *** ****** ***** ** not ******* ************

A *** **** to ******* ******

B *** **** ** the negation ** *** ********* ******** of **** executive’s ************* ***********

C ** **** ****** to ******* *** ******** ******** ********** **** *** *************** ************* ***********

D is **** likely ** ******** general ****** ****** ******** assignments

Question ** ** 40

*** ** *******

***** ** *** ********* refers ** a language- *** ********************* ***** **** ***** * ********* ** many ******* global *******

* Lack ** ************ ******** ** establish ***** or *** cross-interaction ********* such ** brainstorming

B ******** ***** ****** and *********** ** interact through virtual ******

C **** ** ********** ** ********* *****

* ********** ** attitudes and ************ ****** *****

******** ** of ***

*** 50 Points

***** ** the ********* ** NOT ** *********** challenge *** global ******* *******

A ************** ***********

* ********** **********

* Culture differences

* Technology

******** ** ** ***

50/ ** Points

********* ** * ****** of Alcoa’s virtual team ******* successful team *********

* **** the ******* to convey ***** *** ******* **********

* *** **** ****** ** use ********** ******

* *** more ****** ** ********** ***********

* **** ******* ************* ***********

******** ** ** 40

*** ** *******

A comparative ***** of ******** ******* ****** ** several ********* ** ****** ******* ******** ***** main ********** *** ******* **** the ********* ** ********* ************** ************* ** ************* ********** ******** Which of *** ********* is *** of ***** ************

A ********** *************** **********

B Drawing **** ********** tolerance *** *************

* ******* ************ ** ********** achievement

* Keeping ********* members ******** **** *** **** ************** **********

Question ** ** 40

50/ ** *******

Lauryn ** ******** national was **** ** ***** ** an ********** ********* to *** ** was ****** **** time **** she ******* ** understand situations **** the viewpoint ** ***** ********* *** ******** people As ** ********** which ** *** ********* ****** *** ****** ********

A ******** *************

* ******* ** **** **** *******

* Tolerance *** ambiguity

* ********* skills

Question ** ** ***

*** ** Points

************* *** indigenous ****** ********* ** **** ** the managerial ladder ** * ***** ******* ****** ** *****

* ****** *** ************ ********* *** **** of ***** ** that ********

* ******* ** ***** ** ******* in cross-cultural teams ** **** ********

* success ** **** ******** ** *********** global teams in **** culture

* ******* ******* of **** ** **** ********

******** ** ** 40

*** ** *******

* repatriated manager **** “I learned to ********** ********** from *** ********* of ***** ********* *** ************** **** * ****** overseas” ***** ** *** following ******** ****** ** the manager referring ** in **** **********

* ********* skills

* ******** *************

C ********** skills

* ********* for **********

Question ** of ***

*** ** *******

***** ** *** ********* is/are ************ ********* in ***** ******** *** *** ******** ** ********* ******** ************** and ************

* ************ ****** *********

* Dual-career couples

C ************* ******

* ***** repatriation *********

******** ** ** 40

*** ** *******

For ******* resources *** ******** *** ************* ******** of knowledge it is ********* *** **** ** ******** ***** human assets ** the **** of ********** management ******

* virtual

* *********

* ******

* *******

******** ** ** 40

*** ** *******

*** ******* *** *** different opportunities *** ***** ***** various ********* can ***** be ****** to *****

* ********** ********* systems ** *** **** countries

* ******** ************ ** the host **********

* predominantly agricultural ********* of *** host **********

D lack ** adequate ********** in the **** **********

******** ** ** ***

*** ** *******

***** of *** ********* is the most ****** ****** *** ******* union ********** in industrialized ***********

A * ******** ** *** proportion ** white-collar *** service ******* ** proportionate ** ************* workers

B ****** ********** ** ********* and ********* workers

* *** ********* ********** ** ****** ***** *** older generations

D * reduced ****** of ***** ********** white-collar *****

Question ** of 40

*** ** Points

***** ** *** ********* ** **** **** ****** ** ******* *******

A ******** in ************* hinder ******* ****** ******

* ******* teams ** *** ***** cost ***********

* ******** misunderstandings are ****** **** occurrences across ******* ******

D *** ******* ** ******* ***** ******** through computer-mediated communication systems

Question ** of 40

*** ** Points

Which ** *** ********* ** a ********** frequently placed ** ********** ** ********* labor?

* ************ ** *** ************ ** ********

* ****** ** *** ********** ******* ** vary ********** levels when **********

* ***** ************ for ********** with global *******

* ************ ** ********* from private ******

******** 35 ** ***

*** 50 *******

There *** ******* categories ** ******************** people *** ********************* *** ******** *** ****** **** ******* *** maintain; in particular it ** ********* *** **** ****

* minimize ********* ********* *** *** of ************* cadre

* ******* ********** *********** teams

C develop ********* ****** ********** ******

* ******** ************ labor ********* system ** *********** anarchic

******** 36 ** ***

*** ** *******

***** ** *** ********* is ** ********* ** * synergy?

* ********* ************** **********

B ******** to ********* viewpoints

* ******* ********** ** *** **********

D ******* ********** *******

******** ** ** ***

*** ** Points

One ** *** main dimensions of the **************** relationship **** * ******* **** ******** ****

* ******** ***** ******** policies ** ***** ** *********** ******** and compensation

B *** **** ** ********* ****** ** *** *************

* advertising *** *********** ***********

* ************ ******** *** ***********

******** ** ** ***

50/ ** *******

******** ** ********** *********** continues ** **** ******

* *** ****** ** dual-career ******* ** ******** declining

B ******* rewards ** **** performance ********* *** ******* productivity of ***** ** *** long ****

C ******* are ****************** **************** ** expatriate ************

D *********** *************** ********* ********* ******* ************** collaboration

******** ** ** ***

50/ 50 Points

***** ** the ********* **** ** ************* **** ***** ** ** ***** ** ******* *** ********** *** ********** ***** of the **** *********

* ********** a ****** ************

* Providing means to *********** ********* ********

* ******* the ****** enterprise ** *************

D ************* *** corporate ********

Question 40 ** ***

*** ** *******

***** ** the following ** one ** *** ****** working ****** *********** ** ***** systems?

* ********** *************

B ******** *********** *******

* ********* open ******

* Political *******

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