
******** 1

***** ** the ********* ***** ** considered employee *************

A ******* ******** **************** ****** *** ****** **********

* supervisor casually ****** an ******** whether *** company ****** adopt a *** type ** **** *********

*** ** these ********** *** ********** employee involvement

******** 2

Mental models *** ********** that ***** *********** and *********


Forms ** ***********

*************** ***********

Broad ***** ******

****** ******** **********

******** **

***** ********** *** ******** ************** ******** **** much ** *** *********** foundation for team dynamics ************** ***** *** organizational ***************




Industrial ************

Political ********

******** **

**** ******* ********** employee behavior *** performance ****** ** ***********

A *********** ************* *** ******* **********

* ********* *** ******* abilities

* ********** *** **** ************

D **** *********** and ******* **********

* ********** and **********

******** **

***** ******** ********* *********** ********* ** most ******** for ********** job *************


Openness to ***********


High ************

******** ***** ** control

******** **

************** ********** ****** ** ** ************** *********** obligation ** ******* * minimum ****** ** **** and ****** ** the organization ** ****** for * fair ********* *** **** the organization



Question **

******** involvement tends to **** which of the ********* ******** ** ******** ********

***** ** * **** accurate definition ** *** problem

******** *** ****** *** quality of *********** **********

********* *** ********** of ********* *** **** alternative

*********** employee ********** ** *** *********

*** ** ***** ********** *** correct

Question 8

Competencies relate most closely ** ***** ******* ** *** **** ***** ** ******** *** performance?


*********** ********

**** ************


******** *********

******** **

Incongruence ******* a ************* ******** ****** *** an ************** ****** ** ***** to:

Increase employee *******

Increase ******** ****** ** *********

Increase chance **** the ********* ********* **** ****** **** the ****************** ************

*** ** the ******

**** ** effect on employee ******** or ******** *******

Question ***

****** ******** Theory ****** ******

A * behavioral

B * ******** theory

* ** ************

* ** ********

******** 11

** the ******* ** cross-cultural values the ******** ***** ******

* *** ************** **** ********* are ***** ** * very ***** ****** ***** than ** people ** **** ******* *********

* the *********** of **** ****** **** ******* **** *** **** ****** so **** ************** information has little ******* ********

* several ******** ********* **** *** ****** *** **** isn’t ********* ** *** literature

D ******* ********* **** ** *** ****** ****** **** * **** range ** ****** even ****** *** *********** ********* assumes **** everyone in the ******* has ******* *******

* *** ** *** ******

******** ***

*** ******* ***** **** ** ************ Hierarchy of ***** ****

* *******

B *******

* ******

* belongingness

E *******************

Question 13

******* is * ********* process of making ******* ***** one ** more alternatives **** the intention ** ****** ****** **** ******* ***** ** ********

A ******** *******

* ******* ************

* ********* *********

* ******** *******

E ******** *********

******** ***

********* are ********* **** ******

A ******** *** ***************

* ********** *******************

* ****** ** ******** **********

* ********** ******* *** ***********

* ********** ****************** *** engage in positive **********

******** ***

****** identity theory **** that:

A we ****** ********* ** terms ** *** membership ** certain ****** *** *** *********** with ****** *** belong to ***** *******

* ** **** ** ******* our *** actions *** ****** ** ********** ** ******* rather **** the **********

* *** ************ ***** ******* person ***** **** ****** ** *** ** * *** **** ** ********** with ***** *************

* ** ******* **** ** ******* ** people ***** ** the first *********** ** ******* ***** *****

* *** emotions ****** out large blocks ** *********** that threaten our ******* *** *******

Question 16

The ******* of assigning ****** to ****** ***** on ***** ********** in * ****** category ****** to:

* ****** *******

* halo *******

* ******* bias

* ********

E *************

******** ***

****** long-lasting ******* ***** **** ** ********* ** * ******* of situations *****

* called intellucutal ********

* *** *********** ** *** **** ****** *******

* *** main ****** why most virtual ***** fail

D called organizational ****** parameters

* ****** values ** *** organization

******** 18

***** ** these ********* *** ***** **** in the ******** ****** ******** ****** process?

* ********** * **** ** **********

B implementing *** ******** ************

C ******** *** best alternative

* *********** *** **************

******** ***

****** ** **** ******* related to:

* workplace *******

B the ********** *******

* ********* diversity

D the **** ****** anchor

* the *********** approach to ************** ******** *******

Question ***

Needs ********* ****** includes *** of the ********* ******** ********

* **** *********************

* ***********************

* esteem

* **************

* physiological ******

******** ***

Anger **** *** *** ******* ***********

* ******* that ********* our ********* ******* ********* or ********

* *** ***** **** ****** ** emotional ******

C types ** emotions

* four dimensions ** *** *************

E both *********** *** ‘C’

******** ***

********* ** *** **** model ****** *** *** dissatisfied with ***** jobs *******

* quit

B complain ***** *** ************* ******* ** ***** *****

C ******** ***** absenteeism **** work

* **** quiet and hope *** ******* of *** satisfaction *** ********** **********

* ** *** of *** above

******** ***

********* intelligence ** best described ****

* * personality ******

* a *** ** **********

* * **** ** organizational commitment

* ** action-tendency ********** **** the person ** ****** motivated

* * **** ** empathy

******** 24

The ********** ****** is ***** ** *** **** ******

A ***** *** ** learned

* ***** **** * ********* **********

C ******** motivation is based ** *************

D *** ******* ** ******** ***** are hard-wired ******* **********

* ****** ** *** really have any ******

******** ***

*********** **** ***** ** *** ***********

* *********** ********* *********

* Empowerment ********* skill variety

* *********** ********* job rotation

* Empowerment increases *** specialization

* *********** ********* autonomy *** *** ***************

Question ***

***** ** *** ********* refers ** *** ******* ** receiving *********** ***** *** ****** ***** ** *** ***** around us?

* ************

* Stereotyping

* Reinforcement *******

* ***********

E ****** *********

******** ***

***** ** *** ********* identifies *** **** ******* **** ******** ********* ********** ******** *** *************

* Utilitarianism

* **** model

* ************** model

* Holland’s model

* Myers-Briggs **** Indicator

******** ***

****** *** *********** ***** ** **** ******** **** ***********



Question ***

Stress ** best described as:

A the ************* disorders ** experience **** ******* environmental ***********

* ** ******** ******** ** * ********* **** ** ********* ** *********** or *********** ** the person’s wellbeing

* * ****** ** events **** cause ********* ********** and cynicism ******* **********

* ************* conditions **** ***** * physical ** ********* ****** on *** *******

* * ******** pattern of ****** **** low **** ** heart ********

******** ***

******** *** ***** ****** ** *********************



******** ***

*** ******* ** ******** *** ******* emotion ********** emotion ** ******* ********** and ****** with ******* and regulate emotion ** ******* *** ****** ** called:

A ********* *************

* emotional ******

* ********* dissonance

D positive ************

E *** satisfaction

******** ***

*** ******** ******** making model ****** ******

* ********** *************

B *********** *** ******** *** ********

C serarching *** alternatives

* ************ *** *********

* searching *** *********** about ******** to each *************

******** ***

***** ** ***** ********** about the ***** of ************** Behavior **** ** *******

* Organizational ********* ******** study ********** **** and structural *************** **** ********* behaviour ****** **************

* ********** communication and ***** organizational ********* ****** **** *** ********* ** ******** ***** *** ******

C ************** behaviour ******* as * ******** ***** around *** ******

D *** ***** ** ** *** ******* ******** and ******** **** ***** ****** ** ******* * OB ******** study what people ***** feel *** ** ** *** ****** organizations

Question ***

********** ****** ** *** forces ****** * ****** the ********





*** ** *** above

Question ***

***************** rewards **** been criticized on *** ******* ******

* they ********* the ************** motivation **** the **** itself

* they *********** ******** ********* *** ********** from **** ******

* they tend to ********** ***********

D **** *** used ** ***** fixes *** problems

* *** ** the ******* *** ********

Question 36

********* ****** *** ************ *** **** under ***** ** *** ********* concepts?

A ***********

B Personality

* *******

* *******

E ********

******** 37

******** ******* ******** *** **** emotions ** ****** ********* *************

******* rules

********* ***********

negative ************

***** intensity

********* ***********

******** 38

************ *********

* a person’s aptitude

* * ************** ***** abilities

* * ************** skills

* *** ** the ******

* **** ** the above

Question ***

Motivation ******* * ************ ****** of ********* *********

* ********* ********* *** ************

* *********** ************ and ************

C **** shape *** *******

* ********* abilities *** *************

Question ***

****** ** ************ **** *** boss *** *** supporting *** work ** *********** *** *** *********** ** spite ** ***** ******** ****** does *** ******** *** **** *** ****** ** move ********* ******* she ********* *** ***** of work ****** *** ***** the company **** ********** correct ***** ******** ********* to *** **** ***** ****** is ****** ******** in:

* exit

* ******

C ********

* neglect

******** ***

***** ** *** following refers to ************* ********** under *** **************** control **** support ************** ************

A Competencies

* Task performance

* **********

* **********

* ***********

******** ***

Moods *** **** ******* ********* ****** **** *** *** directed ****** ******** ** particular



******** ***

***** ** these factors ******** influences ** ************** ********* ******** *** *************

* ***********

B **** perceptions

C *********** **********

* *** of *** ******* are ********

* ********** *** **** ************

******** ***

*** uncomfortable ******* **** **** our ******** *** attitudes *** ************ with **** other ** called:

cognitive *********

********* *************

********* justification

********* dissonance


Question ***

***** ** ***** ** considered a ********* ******* ********** to minimize ********

Flexible *********

Job ********


Childcare ***********

All ** ***** statements describe * *************** ** work/life initiative ** ******** *******

******** 46

Emotions *** communications ** ourselves ***** ***** ** put ** ** * ***** ** readiness



Question ***

** ******** an employee’s ******** ** *********** responsibility ** *******

* ******** *** ****** of *** ******** in *** person’s ****

* ****** *** amount ** task ******** *** task ************ ** the ************ ****

* ******** *** amount ** ******** ** *** person’s ****

D ****** *** ****** ** ***** variety ** *** person’s job * ******** *** ****** of **** ******** and **** significance in the person’s job

******** ***

**** **** ** usually **** ** **** ********* **** **** are ***** *** to *** ***** ************ about ** ********* ******* activity **** ******* probably ***** **** **** **** *****

A **** level ** ********* *************

A high ***** ** cognitive dissonance

A **** ****** ** *********** commitment

All ** the above

Both *************** *** ***************

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