Electronics I and Lab
Transistor Fundamentals
Week 4 lab is based on the fundamentals of a transistor and analysis of an analog circuit.
Please review the following videos before getting started with this lab:
- Watch the video: “Video 3: Fundamentals of breadboard”
- Watch the video: “Video 4: Basic electrical components”
- Watch the video: “Video 5: Simple resistive circuit with NI myDAQ”
- Read the Tutorial: myDAQ Tutorial
Materials and Equipment:
- Hardware Parts (In the Toolbox):
- An NPN transistor: 2N3904
- Four resistors: 2 – 40 kΩ, 1 kΩ, 470Ω
- Jumper wires
- Hardware Equipment:
- Breadboard
- NI myDAQ Instrument device
- Screw Driver
- Screw Terminal connector
- USB Cable
- Multimeter probes
*** This lab has to be implemented only in hardware (using NI myDAQ) ***
- Analyze the circuit in the Figure 1 below to calculate the following values: VE, IE, VRC, VC, VCE. Assume Beta = 150.
- Construct the circuit shown in Figure 1 below on the breadboard using the transistor and the resistors.
- Using the jumper wires, screw driver and screw terminal connector, connect the board to NI MyDAQ Instrument Device.
- Use channel +15V pin out on the NI myDAQ Instrument Device to provide the supply voltage (VCC).

Figure 1
- Now, using multimeter with the probes, measure the required voltages: VE, VRC, VC, VCE and currents: IC and IE.
- Tabulate the values obtained in step 1 and 7.
Calculated Measured VE IE VRC VC VCE
Review questions:
- Compare the calculated and measured values in the table and analyze the performance of the transistor.
- Discuss whether the values are the same or different. If they are different, provide the reasoning and explain how to reduce this difference between calculated and measured values.
- Explain what happens when the transistor changes to a PNP transistor. How does the change in the transistor effect the current and voltage in the circuit?
- Analysis of the circuit and calculations of voltages: VE, VRC, VC, VCE and currents: IC and IE.
- Take screenshots of the measurements obtained from the Multimeter on the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher on your screen.
Lab Report:
- Use the Lab report template found in the “Tools and Template” link in the navigation center.
- Include all the deliverables.
- Include all the screenshots of the measurements from NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher.
- Save the document as Lab4YourGID.docx (ex: Lab4G00000000.docx) and submit in Blackboard.
Rules for lab submissions:
- The lab document must be a Word document. PDF files are NOT accepted.
- All screenshots must be included.
- All Multisim screenshots must include the date/time stamp. See TOOLS AND TEMPLATES for the procedure to display the date and time.
- Any and all Multisim files must be submitted.
- Any equations used must be typed in Word. Copy and paste of equations from outside sources is prohibited.
- No graphics are allowed in the Word document other than screenshots of circuits from Multisim and hardware if applicable, with the date/time stamp.
- The lab template should be used. Specifically, it is brought to your attention that a summary MUST be provided explaining the results of the labs, the relationship of the results to expected results, and any challenges encountered.
- Hardware portion of labs should include screenshots of the assembled circuit with your name and student GID number written on paper next to the circuit. There should be screenshots of the instrument readings with the date and time stamp on lower right corner clearly shown. See example below.
Any violation of the submission rules above will result in a grade of 1.