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8/11/23, 6:05 PM
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If you were asked to write a professional code of ethics for your own life,
discuss what would be the first principle that would guide it, and why? What
are other principles you would apply to the code of ethics?
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Ashley Biddle (She/Her)
Jul 20, 2023
If I were asked to write a professional code of ethics for my life, the first
principle that would guide it would be integrity. Integrity means to uphold
the highest standard of honesty, transparency, and moral courage in all
actions and decisions. Integrity is the foundation of a strong ethical
framework. It includes reliability, accountability, trustworthiness, and
righteousness. Coming from the Navy, the first core value is honesty
because trustworthiness is the most important to be a part of a team.
Any relationship should be built on integrity and that is what life is all
about, building relationships with other people. There is a work
relationship, personal relationship, friendship, and more but to keep and
develop these relationships it requires integrity. If a person cannot be
honest with themselves, how can they be honest to others?
Another principle I would apply to the code of ethics in my life would be
respect. Respect means to treat all individuals with dignity, fairness, and
empathy, regardless of their background, beliefs, or position. I live by the
code of ethic to respect others and treat them how I want to be treated. I
believe everyone has their downfall and no matter what position they are
in life they deserve respect for trying to live this hard thing we call life.
There is a saying, “that could be you one day” and “you never know what
someone is going through”. These sayings go through my mind every
time I interact with someone because my interaction could have a good
effect on someone who is having a bad day or the breaking point for
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someone who had a bad day. I would like to be the person who has a
positive effect on peoples’ lives and by respecting them and their
situation could do that.
Continuous Learning is another principle in my code of ethics. Once a
person stops trying to learn they give up on themselves. The world
changes constantly and things are always being upgraded and more
information is being put out daily. Staying informed about relevant laws,
regulations, and news can keep a person out of trouble and ahead of
changes if they are able to follow the patterns of history.
Gianna Jackmore (She/Her)
Jul 28, 2023
Hi Ashley I feel that honesty is directly correlated with respect. Being
able to be honest with yourself is so important because like you
mentioned you cant be honest with others if you’re not honest with
yourself. I really like the continuous learning as a principal.
Richard Grego (
Jul 31, 2023
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Excellent! Sounds like a company mission statement!
Mary Harris (
Hi Ashley,
Continuous learning is a great principle to have in the personal
growth and development toolbox. Especially, trying to stay up to date
with the latest trends and advancements in their field. It helps
expand a person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).
Tatiana Johnson (
Jul 26, 2023
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Edited by Tatiana Johnson ( on Jul 26 at 4:34pm
My first principle would be to maintain honesty, communication, and
understanding in any situation. This principle starts a strong foundation
in any environment. A workplace should be allowed to be diverse yet,
transparent. From my personal experience, people have responded well
to great communication (persistence and respect). Verbal
communication creates beneficial relationships, it also helps
comprehend the actions of others and it allows you to mutually come to a
disagreement while maintaining associations. Honesty is key, I don’t
think I could be adherent to anybody that is untrustworthy. I don’t believe
trust is earned; I do believe trust is broken by multiple perfidious acts.
When I meet someone my trust is automatically there no matter their
history. Understanding builds awareness and influences you to expand
your consciousness. It allows us to see others’ values and prevent
Integrity, Growth, Responsibility, and Communication would be my code
of ethics. I believe there is always room to progress and learn more no
matter how old you are. Everybody is a teacher and the influence of being
intellectually responsive forms moral judgment. Doing what is right is
reflected by what someone knows is right. My four principles have
shaped my professional morals of what I believe is right. Responsibility is
the ability to improve at any desire and allow yourself to interpret
different forms of information. Integrity allows me to treat everyone I
would like to be treated; verbally, physically, and socially.
My code of ethics is a cycle where one needs the other to form the
professional foundation I use today. My principles of ethics focus on my
morality and systematic involvement. This code has given me better
insight into others’ admiration and guided me through my decisions. I’ve
learned how to be optimistic, self-motivating, and intellectual in my
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Gianna Jackmore (She/Her)
Jul 28, 2023
I love how you allow your ethics to guide you in a positive way. I also
appreciate how you consider others in your day to day through your
personal code of ethics. I hadn’t previously thought of growth as a
principal but I might just have to add that going forward.
Richard Grego
Jul 31, 2023
Very prudent and responsible (as well as articulately described)
ethical code
Mary Harris (
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Hi Tatiana,
You hit a home run with me by making communication a part of your
professional code of ethics. I’m constantly working to be an effective
communicator, especially with my non-verbal cues. I know from my
experience; I have listened to some people who do not know how to
express themselves or communicate effectively. Effective verbal
communication requires active listening, clear expression, and the
ability to adapt to different situations.
Gianna Jackmore (She/Her)
Jul 28, 2023
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In my life I find that its easiest when you and the people around you are
being transparent in their intentions. So, if I had to pick a principal to
live by in my own code of ethics I would probably choose transparency.
When people are being transparent they’re being honest and upfront
about their intensions. When forming working relationships and personal
relationships I find that they tend to last longer when you follow this
principal. Transparency avoids little white lies or microaggressions
because you’re voicing your feelings, intensions and opinions about a
situation. Other codes of ethics I would include are: integrity, clarity, self
advocacy and clear boundaries. Situations become difficult in the
workplace when you don’t have these principals employed in your
everyday life. Being able to set boundaries with your coworkers and
management and vice versa is key to avoiding inappropriate or harmful
scenarios. Also, being able to advocate for yourself and allow others to
advocate for themselves prevents a hostile environment. Lastly, having
solid integrity keeps you and others from abusing their power.
Richard Grego (
Jul 31, 2023
Practical and morally consistent
Ansley Read (
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Aug 4, 2023
Good evening ma’am,
great post and you know what they say about transparency… it’s appa-
RENT, as to how you feel…anyways…I agree and people prefer open
communication and no underlying agendas or ill-will feelings also. I
think it is great to instill these traits in professionalism like
transparency and integrity in everything that you do. Thank you for
Renee Burgess (
Jul 30, 2023
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A professional code of ethics for my life that I would use would definitely
have to be the principle of integrity.
I think that I have a great deal of integrity. I have many times found
myself in situations that would test my integrity and every single time I
come out on top. People never realize how much integrity they have until
they are faced with certain decisions in life. In the current field that I am
in it’s important for me and those who reach out to me for help to know
that when they come to me it’s a personal and private moment. As a
professional you have to carry yourself a certain way and be
approachable and a part of that is integrity. You never know who is
watching you and one act that you portray that could be perceived as
negative could cause a huge disconnect with your target audience and
The second principle that I would implement or apply would be justice. I
want to make sure that I am being fair and equal to everyone who
reaches out to me. Depending on one’s profession you’re going to
encounter many different people from many different walks of life. My
current life involves me encountering every single demographic you could
think of. This means I must have an open mind and be welcoming to all.
The worst thing you can do is make someone feel as if you would judge
them based on their choices.
Richard Grego (
Jul 31, 2023
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That’s as good as description of moral integrity as I’ve heard!
Ansley Read (
Aug 4, 2023
Good evening Ms. Renee,
I couldn’t agree with you more in regards to integrity, as a boss, a
leader, and someone who may receive calls or information shared in
a private moment, those are the times when you need to show up for
your employees or “clientele” like you were saying.. for you do not
know who is watching and one negative response could impact your
whole career. Thank you for sharing!
Ansley Read (
Aug 4, 2023
Good evening Professor and fellow classmates,
today we are presented with a question by our professor if we were to
write a professional code of ethics for our own life, what would be the
first principle that would guide us and why?
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first principle that would guide us and why?
First and foremost, if I were to create my own professional code of ethics
to live by, it would be similar to what my core values are, such as
authenticity, respect, and compassion. I can see where someone may
argue the point that there’s a fine line between your professionalism at
work and how you are at home; to be fair however, in my opinion, and
from what I’ve seen working plenty in hair and in the medical arena of
things like having Integrity and Honesty, being yourself is the best
policy, when it comes to what you stand for and who you are as an
individual. We may keep some things under wraps like our religious
beliefs and some of our political opinions if you will, but if we are going
based on who we are as an individual, I absolutely think that’s important
when you’re hiring a teammate and knowing who would be a great fit in a
job position as well. As individuals and human beings, we crave
connection; whether it be at home or in the workplace, people love
Genuity, and no matter where I work or what I am doing, I always vow to
be myself and be me, no one else can be and the people I meet in my
future endeavors will hopefully love me for being just that, myself; and
therefore I will hopefully attract what I would consider a desirable
clientele of mine as well.
To also add one more detail, professionalism is what your perception of a
professional is to you. You do not have to be a cookie-cutter standard to
know your stuff and make an impact in someone’s life, just do it with the
intent of making someone’s life better… this goes into my next core value
and code, “respect”. Respect to me is very important in creating
flourishing work and personal relationships, and for work and people in
your life to feel appreciated. We respect those who bring value to our
lives and show up and mean what they say, and I always do my best to
stay true to this rule.
Last but not least, being compassionate. Compassion means to me that
you may or may not understand another person’s pain, and perhaps
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you may or may not understand another person’s pain, and perhaps
you’re not in their shoes, but you care and would like to understand the
why and you want to be there and help others. The world is crazy enough
as it is and if you’re able to show compassion for those around you and
just be a listening ear, I think that’s enough to make someone’s day
better and it helps you to be a better leader as well.
Again, I go on little tangents here and there and I swear I get sucked
into a black hole during the process, however, these are the values and
morals I would bring to my professionalism today and always. Everyone
comes from different walks of life and maybe we do not always
understand why someone thinks a certain way, but this is also the beauty
of us being in Professor Grego’s class and also being alive, we are able to
see things from another person’s lens and it broadens our world and
imagination. Thank you guys for a wonderful semester and goodluck in
everyone’s endeavors as well!
Richard Grego (
Edited by Richard Grego ( on Aug 8 at 10:34am
Thanks for this Ansley and for your intelligent original comments and
questions all term! Wouldn’t have been the same without your input!
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Mary Harris (
8/11/23, 6:05 PM
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There are several professional code of ethics that govern my own life
personally. My codes are confidentiality, integrity, and honesty. I’m not
saying that I’m perfect, because life have taught me mistakes are for
learning, but these guidelines and principles keep me on the straight
and narrow path, due to the position I hold in a non-profit organization.
Also, these codes that I live by are to ensure I uphold high standards of
confidentiality, integrity, and honesty. It also provide me a framework for
how I behave while no one is looking, interact with colleagues, and the
Confidentiality is an essential aspect of trust and privacy, especially in
personal and professional relationships. Protecting customers/clients
confidentiality is my professional and ethical obligation that builds trust
and confidence. Overall, I take my own ethical behavior seriously
because I deal with sensitive information. By adhering to my own
professional code of ethics, I am demonstrating my commitment to
serving my customers/clients and the public in a fair and ethical manner.
Additionally, honesty is a crucial virtue that I strive to possess. I believe
it is the foundation of trust, respect, and integrity, which are the
necessary tools for building healthy relationships. I can’t live a life full of
lies, being unclear and untruthful to people. I always want to show my
transparency whether it is in personal relationships, business dealings, or
academic pursuits. In personal relationships, honesty is vital for creating
and maintaining trust. It means I must be truthful about my feelings,
actions, even when it is difficult and uncomfortable.
In conclusion, my ethical standard is the backbone of who I am. I will
always aim to be truthful and transparent in everything I do, because I
believe I can make a difference in our society and be a trailblazer for
future generations.
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Richard Grego (
Brilliantly articulated list of virtues and their importance–and
eloquently expressed as always!
Mary Harris
Professor Grego,
I have lived long enough to appreciate the breath of life! I value
authenticity and transparency, so my goal is to treat people how I
want to be treated. Because showing kindness, respect and
empathy can go a long way in building strong relationships and
creating a positive environment. I always try to be genuine in my
interactions with others. Therefore, I appreciate your
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Richard Grego
Amen to that my friend!
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