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Exploring the Influence of Leadership Styles in Health Care: A Comprehensive Analysis
(1st Draft)
Dusty Kaine
Grand Canyon University
Professor: Tijana Zelenovic,
BIO- 317V
October 15, 2023
Exploring the Influence of Leadership Styles in Health Care: A Comprehensive Analysis
(1st Draft)
Effective leadership is the cornerstone of success in health care ordinations, profoundly impacting their performance and competitiveness The investigates the influence of leadership styles on staff satisfaction, patient outcomes, and overall health care effectiveness. The study relies on secondary data obtained from peer-reviewed articles. A search for the relevant literature was done in databases that included EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PubMed, PychInfo, and MEDLINE. The search yielded ten pertinent articles that were used in the study. The approach to data analysis entailed the identification of common themes in the selected studies. The analysis led to the development of three themes. The first theme is leadership styles that have positive effects on health care, staff satisfaction, and health care. The second theme is leadership styles that have negative effects on staff satisfaction, patient outcomes, and health care. The last theme is strategies to promote effective leadership in healthcare.
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, leadership emerges as a pivotal factor determining an organization’s success. Effective leaders inspire and empower their teams to adopt innovative, patient-centered approaches that not only enhance patient outcomes but also drive organizational excellence and competitiveness. Understanding the critical role of leadership in healthcare is paramount for nurses and healthcare professionals. This paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the impact of leadership styles on healthcare outcomes, particularly focusing on staff satisfaction and patient results.
The research relied mainly on peer-reviewed studies that examined the impact of leadership on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. A literature search was performed in databases that included EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PubMed, PychInfo, and MEDLINE. The search terms utilized included leadership styles, leadership styles impact on nursing, leadership impact on nursing satisfaction, leadership and patient outcomes, and leadership and impact on health care. The articles were selected based on developed inclusion criteria. Articles were included if they were published over the last five years, authored in the English language, and examined the impact of leadership on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes.
A literature search on the databases yielded 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Thematic analysis was adopted for this research. Each article was analyzed to identify common themes that represented the impact of leadership on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. The following themes identified from the studies represent the impact of leadership on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes.
Theme 1: Leadership Styles that Have Positive Effect:
The first theme identified from the selected articles is leadership styles that have a positive effect on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. The selected studies shared closely related findings on the leadership styles that have positive effects on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. Most studies agreed that transformational leadership has a positive effect on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes (Asif et al., 2019; Gebreheat et al., 2023; Hult et al., 2023; Kelly &Hearld, 2020; Labrague et al., 2020; Poels et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020). The study by Hult et al., (2023) found a positive correlation between transformational leadership, improved patient outcomes, and staff job satisfaction. Similarly, Asif et al. (2019)’s study found a positive correlation between transformational leadership, structural empowerment, care quality, and job satisfaction. There was a negative correlation between transformational leadership and adverse patient outcomes.
The study by Kelly and Hearld (2020) revealed a negative association between transformational leadership and depersonalization and a positive association with personal accomplishment. Labrague et al. (2020) found that transformational leadership increased job satisfaction among nursing staff while reducing their desire to quit their jobs. The authors also found that transformational leadership style reduced absenteeism and job stress levels among nurses. A study Wei et al. (2020) showed that authentic and transformational leadership styles were associated with low burnout among nurses. Similarly, Gebreheat et al. (2023) found in their study that transformational leadership positively impacts employee retention, patient outcomes, and the quality of healthcare, findings which are similar to those seen in the research by Specchia et al. (2021).
Besides transformational leadership, the reviewed studies revealed other studies that have a positive effect on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. For example, Specchia et al. (2021) found that transformational leadership had the highest positive impact followed by authentic, resonant, and servant leadership styles. Wei et al., (2020) discovered from their study that organizations that utilized authentic leadership style had their nurses reporting low burnout rates and improved quality of care. Kelly and Hearld (2020) study revealed that the transactional leadership style was associated with low emotional exhaustion among care providers. In addition, Baek et al. (2019) found in their study that nurses perceived that authentic leadership style had a positive association with their job satisfaction and organizational commitment rates. Zaghini et al. (2020) revealed from their study that effective leadership has positive impacts on interpersonal connections, which leads to decreased misbehavior among staff and improved patient satisfaction with the care that nurses provide. Asif et al. (2019) report in their study that leadership styles that emphasize structural empowerment of nurses are effective in promoting staff job satisfaction since structural empowerment mediates adverse outcomes in healthcare.
Theme 2: Leadership Styles that Have Negative Impacts
The analysis of data in the selected articles also led to the identification of the theme of leadership styles that have negative impacts on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. The study by Zaghini et al. (2020) found that a lack of effective leadership in an organization result in high burnout and dissatisfaction level among nurses. It also lowers interpersonal connections among nurses. The study by Specchia et al. (2021) revealed the existence of a negative correlation between job satisfaction among nurses and laissez-faire and passive avoidance leadership styles. According to Kelly and Hearld’s (2020) study, the transactional leadership style was positively associated with emotional exhaustion, which predicts an increased risk of job stress and burnout among nurses. Poels et al. (2020) predicted a negative correlation between the leadership style used by directors of nursing and head nurses in nursing homes with patient and provider outcomes. The study found that the directors of nursing and head nurses scored low in transactional and transformational leadership styles and high scores in passive-avoidant leadership styles. The low scores in transactional and transformational leadership styles and high scores in passive-avoidant styles translate into an increased likelihood of adverse outcomes in healthcare.
Theme 3: Strategies for Effective Leadership in Healthcare
The last theme that was identified from the selected articles is strategies to promote effective leadership in healthcare. The authors of the selected studies provided several recommendations that should be considered in healthcare to ensure effective leadership for improved outcomes. One of the recommended strategies is filling the existing gaps in nursing and healthcare leadership to inform future strategies for use in enhancing organizational outcomes. According to Specchia et al. (2021), nurses and other healthcare providers should aim to understand the different effects of leadership styles to aid in developing effective approaches that would impact employees and promote greater organizational achievement. Gebreheat et al. (2023) recommend that leaders should seek to adopt the best leadership style and use it as a plan to develop nursing leadership quality improvement initiatives to enhance care outcomes. The authors also agree on the fact that nurse leaders should focus on implementing a transformational leadership style, as it encourages the use of best practices that would drive quality outcomes in nursing and healthcare (Asif et al., 2019; Baek et al., 2019; Hult et al., 2023).
The results of this study revealed the important role of leadership in improving healthcare outcomes, including staff satisfaction and patient outcomes. One of the findings is the role of transformational leadership in improving care outcomes. The reviewed articles show that transformational leadership promotes positive outcomes such as staff satisfaction, reduced turnover rate, improved quality of care, and patient satisfaction with care (Asif et al., 2019; Gebreheat et al., 2023; Hult et al., 2023; Kelly &Hearld, 2020; Labrague et al., 2020; Poels et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020). The findings in these studies are similar to those reported by other researchers because of how transformational leaders influence those they lead. Transformational leaders produce the desired change by transforming individuals’ beliefs, values, and attitudes. The transformation results in wider changes in social systems within an organization. According to Wang et al. (2021), transformational leadership provides nurses with the psychological safety that they need for undertaking their roles, hence, their motivation to provide innovative, patient-centered care that optimizes outcomes.
The results of the analysis also revealed the important role that authentic leadership style plays in improving staff satisfaction and patient outcomes. The findings are consistent with results reported in other studies (Anwar et al., 2020; Shaikh et al., 2022). The consistency could be attributed to the approach that authentic leaders adopt to influence their followers. Accordingly, authentic leaders understand their strengths and abilities and utilize them to promote balanced processing and decision-making to promote relationships based on trust with their followers (Shaikh et al., 2022). Authentic leadership provides followers with a sense of psychological ownership. Psychological ownership improves self-efficacy and self-identity among employees, which are important in motivating them to achieve their highest level of potential and be creative in undertaking their assigned roles in the patient care process (Anwar et al., 2020).
The analyzed studies also revealed the positive effect of servant leadership on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. The finding is consistent with reports by other studies, which have explored the impact of servant leadership on organizational outcomes. According to Maglione and Neville (2021), the leader being the servant first and then serving others characterizes servant leadership. Servant leaders in nursing focus on sharing knowledge and power by prioritizing the needs of their followers and establishing care environments that foster their growth. As a result, nurse servant leaders dedicate themselves to meeting the needs of those they lead, as a way of influencing them to take the desired actions or adopt behaviors that would drive sustainable change (Abdelmotaleb et al., 2022). The outcomes of using servant leadership in nursing and healthcare include improved motivation, job satisfaction, and increased quality of care that patients receive.
The results of the analysis also showed that a resonant leadership style improved staff satisfaction and patient outcomes. However, as seen from other studies, nurse leaders rarely use resonant leadership in their practice. Resonant leadership is a style where a leader leads by modeling the behavior that is expected from the followers (Ramaswamy et al., 2023). There is the incorporation of strategies such as showing respect, being professional, and being kind when interacting with the followers. Resonant leaders promote staff satisfaction and improved patient outcomes since they rely mainly on interventions such as mentorship, coaching, and providing feedback that would improve performance (Reynolds et al., 2022).
The analysis also revealed leadership styles that have a negative effect on health care, staff satisfaction, and patient outcomes. It was evident from the results that ineffective leadership styles result in poor outcomes such as staff dissatisfaction, adverse outcomes in the patient care processes, and high turnover among others. There is considerable consistency in the outcomes of studies that investigated the effect of ineffective leadership on organizational outcomes (Baek et al., 2019; Poels et al., 2020; Shaikh et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2021).
The results demonstrated that a laissez-faire leadership style negatively affects staff satisfaction, patient outcomes, and organizational performance. The negative effect of a laissez-faire leadership style is consistent with results reported in other studies. Accordingly, laissez-faire leaders do not give their followers instructions or directions on how to achieve the set goals and objectives. This results in the use of disorganized approaches to task execution, low morale, and job dissatisfaction among the staff (Fing et al., 2021; Trépanier et al., 2019). The lack of support also increases the risk of quality and safety outcomes in healthcare.
The study results also showed that a passive-avoidant leadership style had a negative effect on staff satisfaction, patient outcomes, and health care, a finding consistent with results reported in other studies. Passive-avoidant leadership is a style characterized by a leader demonstrating passive indifference about employees and tasks that should be completed. The leader ignores the employees’ needs, which translates into the absence of effective leadership (Liu et al., 2021). Passive-avoidant leadership harms the realization of organizational goals and objectives. Health organizations suffer from unproductive safety initiatives, diminished safety outcomes, and safety climate perceptions among the staff, hence, poor performance. Besides, studies have reported a considerable decline in healthcare providers’ compliance with safety, quality, and efficiency standards, thereby, poor outcomes (Islam et al., 2021).
this study underscores the paramount importance of effective leadership in shaping positive organizational outcomes. The analysis of the reviewed articles clearly indicates that leadership styles encompassing transformational, authentic, and transactional qualities yield favorable impacts on staff satisfaction, patient outcomes, and healthcare. These effects manifest in tangible ways, such as reduced turnover rates, diminished intent among nurses to leave their organizations, and heightened levels of patient satisfaction. Conversely, the findings also bring to light the detrimental influence of laissez-faire and passive-avoidant leadership styles on healthcare quality, staff, and patient contentment. To bolster effective leadership within healthcare, nurses and other healthcare professionals must embrace best practices and the core tenets of transformational leadership in their organizational roles, ultimately striving for excellence in healthcare.
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