Human service integrative course | Social Science homework help

 This is the book and i am trying to attach the missing pages.


As you begin the discussion, remember to include all weekly assignments in the following format for organization also remember that all APA papers have an Abstract page:


1. Abstract


2. First paragraph with topic heading to respond to: what most surprised you?  


3. Second paragraph with topic heading to respond to: from the client’s perspective, how might your weaknesses interfere with the helping process?


4. Third paragraph with topic heading to respond to: how will what you learned determine your future professional development needs?


5. Complete APA References






Human services professionals are drawn to the field for many different reasons. Regardless of how one enters human services, it operates on five important values that serve as the guiding framework and drive the work done to help others. Acceptance, tolerance, individuality, self-determination, and confidentiality are the values that guide professional behavior and service delivery. Understanding these values is critical in becoming an effective helper.


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In addition to these core values, the research has clearly defined suggested characteristics that are needed to be an effective helper. However, to be effective in the work that is done to create change, professionals need to have an understanding of themselves and their values first. Without this understanding of how personal values, biases, and opinions impact the helping situation, the helping environment is ineffective. Being able to create a neutral helping situation where a client feels they are heard, valued, and protected when vulnerable is necessary for effective helping to occur.


This week you will embark on a self-assessment journey challenging you to look at who you are and the impact this might have on how you develop professionally. The information you obtain about yourself will be important as you continue to develop your skills to become an effective helper.


Week 1 – Assignment 1 – Human Services Values – 250 Words


Reflect on the human services values described in this unit’s reading in An Introduction to Human Services, addressing the following:


·         Which human services value is the most difficult for you to practice? Include an example of a situation that encompasses that value and why it would be difficult for you to use it.


·         Which human services value is the most important to you and why?


·         How might your understanding of the values that guide practice help you determine your future professional development needs?


Response Guidelines


Respond to two of your peers, providing an additional example from your experience that encompasses the value that they identified. Provide two additional recommendations that they have not considered.


Week 1 – Assignment 2 – Reflection: Self-Assessments – 250 Words


In this unit’s studies, you took several self-assessment inventories presented in readings from Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions in order to provide you with a profile of your strengths and weaknesses.


Provide a summary of the self-assessment inventories you completed and answer the following:


·         What most surprised you?


·         From the client’s perspective, how might your weaknesses interfere with the helping process?


·         How will what you learned determine your future professional development needs?


Response Guidelines


Review the summary and recommendations of two peers and:


·         Provide two additional recommendations that they have not considered.


·         Provide two additional areas of impact their weaknesses might have on the helping process.






Examples of other student post assignments 1:


1st Student:




The word “value” and what people value may be different from one individual to another. But in the helping profession, value should always be defined and directed towards the customer (Porter, 2010). This is because it is the customer that is being served that will be affected by whatever human service value a professional believes is most important. The customer is always at the center of the helping relationship.




According to Woodside and McClam, (2014) acceptance, tolerance, respect for individuality, confidentiality and self-determination are all values that guide the practice of the profession of human services. To this writer, the most difficult of these values will have to do with confidentiality. According to the National Association of Social Workers (2008), social workers and human services professionals should protect the confidentiality of all information obtained in the course of professional service. But often times, this writer goes back home to discuss client’s issues with his family, which is contrary to the rules and a bad practice. This is because one never knows where divulged information may end up. Acceptance is however the most important service values to writer, because it embraces in totality the good and not so good aspect of the client. Demonstrating acceptance towards the client will surely make the individual more comfortable and willing to fully participate in the helping relationship.




The understanding of the values that guide practices will surely help this writer to develop not only future professional needs, but also personal needs. This is because these values, while being good tools that will make one become successful on the job, adhering to the values in personal life will also surely bolster the relationship with families and friends.




National Association of Social Workers, NASW, (2008). Code of ethics of the national association of social workers. Retrieved from


Porter, M. E. (2010). What is value in health care? The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(26), 2477-81. doi:


Woodside, M. & McClam,T. (2014). An introduction to human services (8thed.). Stamford, CT: Cenage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285749907


2nd Student




Attitudes and values have been in circulation for years. Values guide and influence attitudes and behaviors. Ethics and beliefs can sometimes bring on added problems and sometimes can be very beneficial within the helping profession. However, if professionals are not ready to confront differences, then several dilemmas may arise in the field of practice.


A Difficult Human Service Value


Within the human service field the helper should offer assistance and remember that each individual is unique. The individual is depending upon the helper to use their knowledge, values and skills in order to assist them with their presenting problems (Woodside & McClam, 2015). Having to make decisions, as a plan of action in practice can sometimes become very challenging, however, the value of self-determination can sometimes bring about conflict. So as a Professional, the learner would not push his views upon the client but try to suggest other avenues that may guide the client to a better outcome. Moreover, in the end, I do realize that choices are the desires of the client, and the client must live with their choices.  As according to Boer & Fischer (2013) values are basic motivational orientations that guide actions and evaluations including social attitudes, while understanding and predicting the type of social attitudes that follow from and are guided by values.


Most Important Human Service Value


It is widely believed that our attitudes and sociality are guided by what one considers as important in life-that is, by our values (Boer, & Fischer, 2013).  Confidentiality is a value characteristic that should always be upheld and kept, due to respect, dignity and honor. According to Cottrell, Neuberg, &Li (2007) the authors use an imagery of imaging that if the world was perfect, would society still choose some individuals over others and could we trust that individuals would highly value others. Somehow for example: the ideology would be an argument similar to theMatching Client and Counselorsituation according to Corey, Corey, & Callanan (2012) stating that well trained practitioners cannot effectively counsel clients effectively due to barriers and clients being different. In the learners defense, counseling and confidentially appears to be one of the main reasons people trust and confide in professionals.


Understanding Values  


When  professionals learn to understand the true meaning of values and how it guides the field of practice, the learner believes better results and outcomes will only add to enriching and empowering the different cultures in communities, families, individuals, groups and organizations. However, this will not just happen overnight, but awareness and education is a start. Because in order to be effective in any filed, the learner believes that core values must be in place to assist a vast society that is very so in need of help.




Boer, D. & Fischer, R. (2013). How and when do personals values guide over attitudes and sociality? Explaining cross-cultural variability-value linkages. Psychological Bulletin, vol. 139(5), 1113-1147.


Cottrell, C. A., Neuberg, S. L., & Li, N. P (2007). What do people desire in others? A socio-functional perspective on the importance of different valued characteristic. Journal of personalityand Social Psychology, vol. 82(2), 208-231.


Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callanan, P (2012). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (8th ed.) {Custom Textbooks}. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learmning. ISBN: 9781133731047.


Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2015). An introduction to human services (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285749907.




Examples of other student post assignments 2:


1st Student:




The use of self-assessments helps to improve professional’s performance and identify weakness and strengths. The goal of the tool is to gather data about self toward interests and values. Self-assessments do not have a right or wrong answer, but enlightens and evaluates in order to direct and guide a direction of self toward a better development and understanding.


Most Surprised


After carefully reading the survey concerning self-assessment, the questions and answers were somewhat alarming. The questions brought on some deep thinking and understanding as to which answer is correct, or which answer should I choose in order to be ethical and professional. However, there are no correct or wrong answers, but establishing a baseline approach did bring out strengths and weaknesses. As according to Corey & Corey (2012) professionals who work with others have a responsibility to be aware of their own life issues. Without awareness, a professional could prevent the intervention of progress during helping clients, causing them not to reach their full potential or goals.


Weaknesses Might Interfere   


As according to Gerbasi & Prentice (2013) self-interest exerts a powerful influence on behavior and self-beliefs. As mentioned earlier in the human service values discussion, the value of self- determination would be most difficult when working with clients. However, if self-interest and beliefs played role especially in religious beliefs, I believe, it would become a weakness in the helping field. Moreover, the learner will never push religion on a client, because individuals within the United States have freedom of religion. Laurin, Kay & Fitzsimons (2012) explained that people’s specific beliefs about God vary, and the conception of God as a powerful supernatural force is consistent across cultures and religions. Sometimes certain religious beliefs or practice can help people cope with uncertainty and other circumstances.


Improvements in Future Developments       


After taking the test and discovering some of the weak areas, there are always room for improvement and even more self-assessment. When working with multicultural populations, the art of appearing positive, desirable, motivated, and accurate can help to bring about effective delivery services. The approach of values, principles and ethics will play a major role toward improving and promoting better change toward the learner’s improvement goals and achieving competence. The learner wants to strive for a standard of being balanced in self- assessment in order to enhance self-knowledge.




Corey, G., Corey, M. S. & Callanan, P. (2012). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (8th ed.) {Custom Textbooks}. Belmont CA:  Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781133731047.


Gerbasi, M. E. & Prentice, D. A. (2013). The self-and other interest inventory. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, Vol. 105(3), 495-514.


Laurin, K., Kay, A. C. & Fitzsimons, G. M. (2012). Divergent effects of activating thoughts of God on self-regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 102(1), 4-21.


2st Student:




            The self-assessments were very interesting for the learner. They help display her strengths as well as weaknesses. This is something that will benefit the learner with her career. By being aware of her weaknesses she can continue to work on them in hopes of becoming a better professional and providing the best services for her clients. 


What Most Surprised You


            After completing the assessments the learner wasn’t surprised when going through her answers but realized new aspects about herself. First off, it became clear that multicultural counseling is something that is very important to her and counselors need to be aware of the many aspects when working with diverse clients. When taking the self assessment in chapter four many of the questions were directed towards ethics and multicultural viewpoints. The learner found she agrees that professionals should be well trained, have values and use specific theories when working with diverse clients. Furthermore, the learner doesn’t have any problems if faced working with a client who differs from her.


Weaknesses Interfere in the Helping Process


            While new aspects were realized, the assessments also showed some weaknesses. The self assessment about attitudes and beliefs was very interesting but the learner found herself stuck with a few of the questions. One question asked how you would assist a client who could no longer pay for services. One of the options stated that you could see the client until they were in a better financial position. This is something the learner would think about doing but this could eventually end up hurting her financial stability. In addition, when working in a company you have to bill all clients. Being stuck in a predicament like this would definitely weigh on the learner however, if this was a real life situation she would have to come to a solution. Being stuck in hard predicaments will occur in the human service field and the learner needs to be ready to come up with decisions in order to help clients. 


Determine Professional Needs


            To conclude, completing the assessments was definitely a learning experience and helped the learner identify new aspects about herself as well as things that need to be worked on. Understanding that being put in hard predicaments will be a struggle for the learner is something that she will have to work on. So far in her career the learner has not been in a crucial situation where she had to make a decision that might not be the best choice for the client. In regards to the question where the learner was stuck; she plans on researching community resources she could possibly refer clients too if financial problems occur. Also, the learner plans on attending more trainings about ethics in the human services field. Hopefully, these will be the beginning steps of helping the learner when faced with difficult decisions.




Unit 2 The Field of Human Services: Theory and Practice




According to Woodside and McClam (2015) human Services professional are challenged to meet human needs that arise from the problems of everyday living and the difficulties encountered in our modern world. Human Services professionals take on many roles and work in diverse settings. Understanding the type of services and relationships that are most common in the field will increase your understanding of how to be effective when individuals, group, agencies, and communities change.


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Regardless of the group or setting, human services professionals will be asked to serve their clients by providing a variety of care-related services and advocacy efforts to facilitate the helping process. Being effective means having the ability to work collaboratively with multiple parties to seek the best solution for those you are helping. As client populations become more complex, communities become more diverse and societies present more challenges, the role of the human services professional and the skills needed to be effective will continue to evolve.


Your work this week focuses on your understanding of the field and the role of the human services professional. You will apply your understanding of the field to develop a definition of who human services professionals are and what they do. You will also explore and apply how care is provided to real world situations.




Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2015). An introduction to human services (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.




Week 2 – Assignment 1 – Perspectives from the Field– 250 Words


To prepare for this discussion, interview three human services professionals. Ask each one the following questions:


·         How do you define human services?


·         How do human services professionals view the helping process?


·         In what ways to human service professionals promote change in individuals, groups, and larger societies?


For your initial post in this discussion, post a synthesis of the responses that you have received. Review your findings. How did the perspectives solicited align or differ from what you found in this week’s readings? How did they align or differ from your ideas of human services practice?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers’ posts, addressing how your ideas and viewpoints were similar and different from theirs.


Week 2 – Assignment 2 – Human Services Delivery – 250 Words


·         Find an article that identifies a current problem in the field of Human Service. ( I will send the article to you)


·         Explain how a human service delivery model addresses this problem and provides social care, social control, and rehabilitation services.


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers, providing substantive feedback regarding how they applied the concepts of social care, social control, and rehabilitation services to the identified problem. What additional points might you include?


Week 3–Paper Assignment – Human Services Foundational Knowledge–10 pages




In all of your previous courses in this program, you have engaged with the ideas and approaches that comprise a professional background in human services. Have you had the opportunity to think about how all of your learning fits together? Could you readily explain how well prepared you are for each aspect of the human services role? One goal of this assignment is to prepare you to do that—with clarity and specific evidence—so that you are ready, for example, to address these questions in a job interview.


Write a three-part paper of approximately 9–15 pages that brings together three of the five key elements that lead to success in human services, represent the program outcomes of your degree, and align directly with the core competencies model of the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS):


·         Models of Service Delivery (Part 1).


·         Professional Competencies (Part 2).


·         Effective Helping Relationships (Part 3).


Each part of this assignment requires that you revisit the key ideas in a particular area and demonstrate your mastery of those ideas. In completing each part of this paper, draw upon your reading and discussions from your courses as well as any assignments you may have completed that would be helpful. Seek particularly to articulate your current understanding in these areas, regardless of what you may have written in earlier courses.




Review the case study, “Susan and Ted,” on pages 123–125 of your An Introduction to Human Services text. Pick a client from the case and analyze the case based on the areas identified below:


·         SECTION 1: Models of Service Delivery (3–5 pages). Provide a summary of the case and the main issues that are present. What professional competencies might you need to address the issues you have identified? Address how you would work with the client using the Human Service Delivery Model described in the Woodside and McClam text. Your work should address the services that might be provided by professionals who practice the medical model, the public health model and the human services model. How can a Human Services professional facilitate the interaction of all three models in revolving the problems presented to your selected client?


·         SECTION 2: Professional Competencies (3–5 pages). Analyze the case based on the strengths or weaknesses you identified through your self-assessments. Analyze how your results might impact your work with your selected client. Given what you know about yourself, the case and the client, is it possible to remain neutral? Explain your answer and provide an analysis of what you would recommend. Address any ethical or cultural concerns that might present when working with your selected client. What personal issues, values or biases might become concerns for you? How might you address these for yourself, so that you can function productively as a helping professional?


·         SECTION 3: Effective Helping Relationships (3–5 pages). Pick two of the values discussed in the readings (Chapter 6, An Introduction to Human Services) that guide practice and address how they would guide your work with this case. In your analysis, clearly present your rationale for picking the values you have chosen.




·         Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.


·         APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.


·         Number of resources: Your work should be supported by at least five references from the literature.


·         Length of paper: 10 typed double-spaced pages.


·         Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.


Submit your assignment by the end of this unit.


Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio, in the Professional Showcase binder.






Week 3 – Assignment 1 – Case Application: Violet– 250 Words


This discussion is based on the following case situation:


Violet was a student in human services. She enrolled in school as a single mom with three children, ages 3, 12, and 15. Violet had served in the military for three years and was receiving funding from the Armed Services. She still struggled to provide for herself and her family while she was in school. Her eldest girl needed special medical services since she was a diabetic and had allergies. She had been hospitalized four times last year when she experienced breathing difficulties. Her 12-year-old son had learning difficulties and psychological problems. The school officials and the school psychologist recommend a special school for at least six months. Child care is required for her 3-year-old while she is in school (Woodside & McClam, p. 56).


List the services you believe this family needs and identify which model would best represent each of the services on your list.


Response Guidelines


Respond to two peers, analyzing the models identified. Were these models appropriate for the services listed? What else might you include or recommend?


Week 4 – Assignment 1 – Applying the Multidisciplinary Approach– 250 Words


Find an article in the Capella University Library that addresses a real-world problem from the field and complete the following:


·         Write a clear, concise summary of the problem to be addressed.


·         Analyze how you would apply each step of the multidisciplinary approach to address the problem. For example:


·         What data might be collected?


·         Who should be included in the dialogue?


·         what should be addressed during collaboration?


·         What is the recommended course of action?


·         Who should communicate the course of action?


·         What should be discussed and with whom?


·         Step back and reflect on your analysis. How did your analysis of what should happen differ from the article’s description of what actually occurred?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers, analyzing the case that they presented and the one that you reviewed for this assignment. What were the similarities and differences? Provide a final analysis of some of the challenges that seem to be present when applying a multidisciplinary approach.






Week 4 – Assignment 2 – Gathering Information– 250 Words


The readings this week discussed the importance of gathering data as an essential first step in the helping process. In your An Introduction to Human Services text, review the case that appears on pages 152–153 and reflect on how you might engage in this first step if you were presented this case in practice, addressing the following:


·         The readings present several perspectives through which a helping professional might view a case. Provide a summary of the case through the different perspectives.


·         What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of looking at the case from only one perspective?


·         As you learned this week, the point of the data collection phase is to be able to create a clear picture of the problem(s) to be addressed in collaborative session. Understanding this, what additional information do you feel needs to be gathered to present a holistic view of this case? Explain your reasoning.


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two of your peers, addressing the following:


·         What additional data points might you recommend that your peer consider and why?


·         What are some of the challenges your peer might face when seeking data from the sources they have identified?


·         How might they address these challenges?




Week 5 – Paper Assignment – Gathering Information– 5 pages


Your ability to use the multidisciplinary approach depends on your mastery of the core set of capabilities described in the introduction to Unit 4. One of those capabilities is the research skill of gathering data, which involves not only the collection process, but also the thinking processes involved in synthesizing what you find and integrating it into a coherent picture of the client and the situation. This assignment, the first of three in your capstone project, is designed to have you apply this capability to the case that you selected.


Your assignment is to write a case conceptualization, a description of the case and an interpretation of the issues and problems involved. The studies and discussions in Units 4 and 5 were designed to provide the rich data and information upon which you will draw to arrive at your understanding of this client and his situation.


Case Information


In Unit 4, you chose one of these two case clients as the basis of your project work:


·         Case 1: Joseph, an 8-year-old first grader recently placed in foster care after an emergency removal from his home.


·         Case 2: Mark, a 28-year-old inmate in the transition unit at a correctional facility who is expected to be released in two months.


Be sure to read the initial case information for your case located in the Resources. In addition, the media piece Interactive Case File provides greater detail on both clients.




You began gathering information about your case client in Unit 4, using information in the course files and the media piece Interactive Case File. Now pull this information together, analyze what you have, and write a case conceptualization, following this format:


·         Background: Provide a clear and concise background of the case, showing a holistic view of the client.


·         Problem Identification: Provide an analysis of the main issues in the case. Clearly connect how issues and needs presented by the client are affecting his emotions and behaviors.


·         Case Summary: Present a concise conceptualization of what the needs are and a rationale as to why they should be the focus of your recommendations. Keep in mind that this section is what you will present to the collaborative team, so you want to make sure that you are presenting a clear snapshot of the person and the areas that need to be identified. If more than one need or issue is present, make sure to rank these needs and support why one needs to be addressed over another. The goal is not to make recommendations, but rather to provide a solid starting point for the collaborative team to begin thinking about recommendations.




·         Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.


·         APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.


·         Length of paper: 5–8 typed double-spaced pages.


·         Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.


Before submitting your assignment, review the scoring guide in the Resources. Your assignment is due at the end of this unit.


Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio, in the Professional Showcase binder.


Week 5 – Assignment 1 – Synthesizing and Integrating– 250 Words


In Unit 4, you chose a case client to follow for the rest of the course. You have begun the first step of the multidisciplinary approach by engaging in data gathering.


For this discussion, provide a clear, concise, and inclusive summary of the case. Make sure to address the following:


·         What additional information would you have liked to have collected and why?


·         Reflecting on the assessments that you completed in the earlier units, are there any personal values, biases, or weaknesses that might impact how you conceptualize this case?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers, assuming the viewpoint of someone who might be reading this summary in a case file, and address the following:


·         Did your peer present a clear and concise summary of the problem and the issues?


·         What was presented well?


·         What additional points might they have considered including?




Week 6 – Assignment 1 – Collaboration: Multiple Points of View– 250 Words


The media piece in this unit involved a variety of viewpoints focused on your case. For this discussion, provide a summary of:


·         Each of the viewpoints expressed about your client and his situation.


·         Your response to each viewpoint and your rationale for it.


Response Guidelines


Respond to two peers, reflecting on the responses and summary that the learner provided. Provide at least one additional point of view for each peer to consider.


Week 6 – Assignment 2 – Making Collaboration Work– 250 Words


The readings this week present why collaboration is important. The media piece engaged you in a collaborative situation involving a real-world case. Based on what you learned this week regarding the collaborative process, address the following:


·         What are some of the challenges that you feel you might face when participating in collaborative session in the field?


·         How might you address these challenges?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers as follows:


·         What reactions did you and your peer have in common?


·         Give two additional recommendations that your peer might consider when addressing some of the challenges of the collaborative process.




Week 7–Paper Assignment-Arriving at a Course of Action-Collaboration– 5 pages




Collaborating with other professionals is at the heart of the multidisciplinary approach; it provides the ability to consider the client’s full situation from a variety of points of view, greatly increasing the chances of arriving at a productive, sustainable course of action. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your competence in doing just that.


In the case conceptualization in Unit 5, you engaged with a variety of professionals regarding your case client. Now, assume that you brought your case conceptualization to the table during the collaboration. In the media piece for your case, you heard and responded to each of your colleagues. In the previous unit, you shared a summary of your case in a discussion with your peers. Most likely the discussion offered you some additional insights that could be helpful in assisting your client.


For this assignment, factor in all that you know, including what you heard from your colleagues, to create a course of action for your client. Be sure to read the additional case information for your case located in the Resources.




Write a paper of approximately 5–8 pages in which you accomplish the following for your case:


·         Case Summary (1 page): This is the case summary section of the case conceptualization assignment you completed in Unit 5. It would be a good idea to revise this section based on feedback received from your instructor in Unit 5.


·         In-depth Analysis (2 pages): Since you initially conceptualized the case in Unit 5, you received additional thoughts and perspectives about this case. In this section, synthesize, integrate, and analyze the additional points of view that you received through the collaborative process. What additional points were offered that you did not consider? How did you integrate the new information? Provide a rationale for the changes that you did or did not make based on the information that you gained, including the facts and what you consider to be the core issues for this client. This section should end with a clear identification of the list of needs or problems that should be addressed, with support for how you arrived at your conclusions.


·         Course of Action (1 page): Based on the issues and needs that you determined to be relevant, describe a course of action that you feel best addresses each area you identified. Include the best evidence that you can name to support your decisions and the course of action that you are recommending.


·         Recommendations (1 page): Provide recommendations to carry out your course of action that are specific, detailed, and consistent with best practices in the field. For the purpose of this assignment, if the resources you would recommend are not already mentioned in the case, you may fabricate details about resources that would reasonably be available in the community involved in your case.




·         Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.


·         APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.


·         Number of resources: Your work should be supported by at least three additional references from the literature.


·         Length of paper: 5 typed double-spaced pages.


·         Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.


Your assignment is due at the end of this unit.


Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio, in the Professional Showcase binder.


Week 7 – Assignment 1 – Elements of a Good Course of Action– 250 Words


Review the discussion thread “Best Practices in Making Recommendations” on the In Your Professional Opinion page linked in the Resources. Integrate what you have learned from the iGuide group with two additional points from the research to provide an analysis of best practices for developing courses of action.


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers, analyzing the best practice points that were addressed. In each response, offer two additional points that your peer might consider.




Week 7 – Assignment 2 – Collaboration: Working with Conflict– 250 Words


The goal of the collaborative process is to arrive at an agreed-upon course of action. However, at times, consensus to a course of action may occur without complete agreement from all members of the team. For this discussion, address the following:


·         What strategies might you use when members of a team disagree with a course of action?


·         What strategies might you take if a course of action you have presented is not supported by someone who has a higher position or more credentials than you do?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers as follows:


·         Present an example of a time when you participated in a collaborative session where there was disagreement. How was this addressed, either by you or someone on the team?


·         How might the experience have been different if one of the recommendations posted by your peer had been applied?




Week 8 – Assignment 1 – Developing a Transition Plan– 250 Words


A transition plan is a document that gives those involved with your client what they need to take the appropriate next steps. Transition plans are often used to share information among a group of individuals who will be assisting a client. A good transition plan is clear and concise, and presents a snapshot of where the client has been and is going. An effective transition plan presents to those who will be working with the client a clear direction on what needs to happen to help the client address changes smoothly.


Develop a transition plan, compiling and synthesizing the information that you have gathered regarding your case, to share with the transition team. Ensure that your transition plan includes:


·         A clear, concise summary of the case, including a snapshot of where the client has been and any relevant background information.


·         A course of action regarding next steps for the individual in your case. Present the course of action in a clear and concise manner. Make sure that you support your decision with points from the research and points from the dialogue that has taken place so far.


·         Two to three clearly written recommendations to help the individual or the team take the next steps in the transition process.


Response Guidelines


Respond to two peers, ensuring that one response is to a peer who had a different case than you did. In your responses:


·         Provide an analysis of how the transition plan was written.


·         Identify strengths and areas of improvement.


·         What additional information might your peer have considered?


·         Provide two additional recommendations that your peer might consider.


Week 8 – Assignment 2 – Putting the Pieces Together– 250 Words


The final outcome of the problem-solving process involves the ability to synthesize information in a clear and inclusive manner. The goal of this phase of the process is to take many different data points and points of view and synthesize them into one clear plan of action that can be easily understood by a broad range of stakeholders. This can be challenging, partly because it requires human services professionals to be open, direct, and neutral in their presentation of the information.


As you consider what is involved in this phase, address the following points:


·         What challenges might occur when you enter into this phase?


·         How might your own values, biases, or personal viewpoints impact how you synthesize the information that you have gathered?


·         What dangers might be present?


·         How might you address a situation in which you are asked to develop a report of this nature when the course of action required is not something you supported in the collaborative sessions?


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two peers, analyzing the information presented. For each response:


·         What additional points should be considered?


·         Provide two recommendations on how to address the interference of biases, values, or personal opinions when in this phase of the helping process.




Week 9 – PowerPoint Assignment – Putting the Pieces Together– 10 minutes


Your integrative project, based on your analysis of a particular case, provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your competence in the multidisciplinary approach to human services practice. In the two previous project components, you chose a case, gathered data, and collaborated with other professionals to gain a more complete understanding of the case. You then integrated what you learned to arrive at a course of action for the client you chose.


This assignment is the final step in working with the case you have chosen. The goal of this assignment is for you to take what you have learned from working with an individual and apply this knowledge to advocate for a broader group within the community or society, addressing a larger issue.


Additional Case Information


Here is additional information for the two case clients to be used for this assignment:


Case 1: Joseph, an 8-year-old first grader recently placed in foster care after an emergency removal from his home.


Situation: Several schools in the area have asked Children’s Services to provide an informational training for school staff about children placed in foster care and the schools about what to look for and how to support kids who are in this transition. You will be presenting in front of educators, school administrators, and school counselors at a school-sponsored training session. This is an opportunity to advocate for inter-agency partnerships.


Case 2: Mark, a 28-year-old inmate at in the transition unit at a correctional facility who is expected to be released in two months.


Situation. You will be presenting in front of a local business group who is interested in learning more about the job transition program. This is an opportunity to advocate for more local businesses to hire individuals from the program to work for them.




The assignment is to develop and present your course of action for your client in the context of a broader group of stakeholders. In addition to assuming responsibility for recommending a course of action for your client, you are also advocating that the community consider addressing a larger issue.


You received information on your client in the form of case notes, case files, database records, and phone conversations, and you actively analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the information to better understand the nature of the client and his situation. You created a case conceptualization. You also participated in collaborative conversations in which you sought, listened to, and integrated the opinions of other professionals. You synthesized what you learned into a course of action and recommendations for your client.


Now, make a presentation to your peers that communicate the course of action for this client to the stakeholders who are in a position to assist the client in taking a next step. Present the course of action in a way that will capture the interest of the stakeholder group and possibly for others in similar situations. The challenge is to present your case in a way that clarifies the possibility of a new policy or approach to benefit a larger group of people, including other clients, additional stakeholders, and the community or society as a whole.




·         Written communication: Regardless of the option you select below, submit a PowerPoint presentation, along with a one-page handout that you would provide to members of your audience.


·         Length: Your presentation should be captured in Microsoft PowerPoint, for a presentation lasting 10–15 minutes.


·         Slide Standards: Each slide should use words sparingly, offering headline-type summaries of key points. Details of what will be presented may be included in the notes for each slide.


Electronic Submission


·         Prepare your PowerPoint slides for a presentation of 10–15 minutes as if you were presenting to the audience as described above in the situation portion of the assignment.


·         Submit your PowerPoint file, with details on each slide in the Notes section, and your 1-page handout file in the assignment area no later than Thursday of this week.


·         Once submitted use the publishing controls and publish your assignment for you peers to review.


Peer Review


·         Be prepared to respond to at least one question from your instructor or peers following your submission.


Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio, in the Professional Showcase binder.


Week 9 – Assignment 1 – Communication Skills– 250 Words


The final step of the multidisciplinary approach focuses on the ability to communicate with diverse sets of stakeholders about a problem, course of action, and recommendations. Use the Capella University Library to find two articles that address best practices for communicating information to both individuals and groups, then:


·         Summary the key points of each article.


·         Summarize the differences between the articles, including focus and conclusions.


·         Describe how you might apply at least two key points from these articles to the communication of your course of action in the case you are addressing in your project.


Response Guidelines


Respond to at least two of your peers, analyzing the best practice strategies they shared. For each peer, comment on how the points they presented compare to the information that you obtained. Provide two additional strategies each peer might consider.


Week 9 – Assignment 2 -Communication Self-Assessment– 250 Words


For this discussion, post your PowerPoint presentation and one-page handout for your fellow learners to review. In addition to sharing these items, provide your own analysis of strengths and weaknesses you see in yourself when it comes to communicating across various stakeholder groups. Provide 2-3 additional recommendations on how you might address the weaknesses in future professional development endeavors.


Response Guidelines


Review the self-assessments of two of your peers, and respond to at least one in depth. In your response, address the following:


·         How did your self-assessment of your skills compare with those of your peer? What were the similarities and differences?


·         Provide two additional recommendations you would suggest to address the identified weaknesses.




Week 10- Paper Assignment 1 – Portfolio Development– 5 pages


As you assemble your assignments into yourePortfolio, consider how the various aspects of human services professional standards lead to results in the field. With the pace of daily work and expectations in all aspects of our lives, this may not be a topic to which you normally devote a great deal of time.


For this assignment, step back and take a higher-level viewpoint. Write a synthesis of what you have learned about each of the areas in your portfolio (listed below) and include the synthesis in that tab of your ePortfolio. Include in each synthesis a description of how the work in your portfolio supports what you have learned in each area. Each synthesis should require 1–2 pages to complete so that the overall length of this paper could be as brief as five pages or as long as ten pages.


Once you have created a draft, select the synthesis you wrote for one aspect and take advantage of the first discussion in this unit to obtain peer feedback. You can then use the feedback to enhance your assignment before submitting it to your instructor.


ePortfolio Sections


·         Helping Relationships.


·         The Field of Human Services.


·         Theoretical Models.


·         The Multidisciplinary Approach to Practice.


·         Moving Forward – Professional Development Goals.


Submit a document that includes all five of your syntheses in the assignment area by the end of this unit. Be sure to make your ePortfolio accessible to your instructor so that the instructor can review the work that you refer to in the synthesis.




·         Written communication: Written communication that is free of errors that detract from the overall message.


·         Length of paper: 5–10 typed double-spaced pages


·         Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.




Week 10 – Assignment 1 – ePortfolio Completion– 250 Words


Throughout this course, we have addressed the following areas:


·         Helping relationships.


·         Human services theory and practice.


·         Theoretical models of practice.


·         The multidisciplinary approach.


·         Professional development goals.


Pick one of these areas to share with your peers. Your initial post in this discussion may be a draft of one portion of the assignment in this unit. Address why you chose this particular area and its significance to your work in the field.


Response Guidelines


Review the responses of your peers, identifying two to review carefully. For each of these, focus on what has been shared. Identify some aspect in each case that you believe will lead to powerful benefits for that peer, explaining why. Identify one additional way that each learner might make the most of that particular aspect of their learning, describing how it might help in his or her profession.


Week 10 – Assignment 2 – Reflection – 250 Words


Over the past several weeks, you have been asked to analyze the role of a human services professional and apply your understanding of how human services professionals seek change in a variety of settings. In your initial post for this discussion, consider what you have learned, and answer the following questions:


·         Where do you feel you have grown the most? What are the implications of this growth in your work?


·         Provide an example of how your viewpoint has changed. What does this mean for your future work as a helping professional?


Response Guidelines


Read the response of your peers and respond to at least two. In each response, address the following:


·         How has your professional growth journey been similar or different from your peer?


·         What additional recommendations might you offer your peers as they to find ways to grow professionally?


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